12-Highschool Sweethearts

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Both the school and the yard where completely dark when we went back in.
It was spookily silent so I was lucky I had Mel.
Hadn't she been holding my hand I probably would've ran and hid somewhere.

Unable to see for the most part, we ran up the stairs on our tiptoes until we reached a floor which we hadn't been on before.

There was a long corridor with a lot of rooms on each side.
All of the doors were double doors, but one room appeared larger and more appealing than the rest.
So of course that's the one we chose.

Melanie went first, keeping hold of my hand as she pulled down the handle; gripping it tighter as the door creaked open.
We both gritted our teeth and squeezed our eyes shut in fear of being caught.

After we were in there, I closed the door behind us.
The sound of it clicking back shut echoed around the whole room.

I looked around- I'd never seen anything like this before.

Seeing the walls plastered with mirrors scared me at first.
My own reflection stared back at me unexpectedly and almost made my heart stop.

The room was as spacious as the library, but no books.

There were few pillars scattered around, extending from the marble floor to the patterned ceiling.
Other than that, there was nothing in there.

On the far right was a huge round window.
Wondering if I would be able to see the moon from here, I walked over as Melanie was distracted, twirling around the open space.

I could see the moon, and the ledge was large enough for me to lie down on.

Laying down and extending out my legs, I turned to see that Melanie had now stopped dancing and was stood staring at me from a distance.

"You look creepy like that. Come here." I extended out my arm for her to take my hand.
She did, but didn't let me pull her onto the ledge.
"Y/n! There's no room!" She hissed, but I insisted.

"Lay on my chest, dumbass."
At first I couldn't believe that had just escaped my lips.
Yet I left my hand where it was, and as I observed her struggling to hide her content, I couldn't help but feel glad about the comment I had accidentally let slip.

Elegantly, she climbed on top of me and carefully lay her head down under my chin.

"The moon is so pretty."
I stated, combing my fingers through her pink and black hair. It smelled good, like fruits or candies.
It also felt really soft as I wrapped little strands of it up and then let it fall again.

"Being with you makes me tired."
She mumbled in her tired voice, and I wondered if she had seen that tiktok.

I grinned, thinking about how grateful I was to be living this moment.

"To wake myself up, can I teach you how to dance?"
She rolled onto her stomach and crossed her arms on my chest, leaning her chin on them and looking at me with innocent eyes.

I didn't answer yet, but we both giggled and she stood up, pulling me up by my hand.
"Come on, let me show you."

I groaned, expecting a slow and boring dance.
How I expected that while being familiar with Mel's joyful and bubbly personality- I don't know.

I was proved wrong, of course.

Melanie flung back her head so her hair made waves; spinning, skipping and jumping around the room.
I smiled at the happiness radiating from her, and attempted to perform the same moves, only to land in a heap on the floor.

She stopped dancing and came to lay beside me on the floor, both of us now in hysterics yet trying not to wake anyone up.
We still didn't want to get caught, but we were far from any people.

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