Chapter 2

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"Just wait until after breakfast at least. Please?" I ask.

Dad chuckles, "okay sweetie, after breakfast."

We walk into the kitchen and to my surprise Kai is flipping pancakes.

VERMIN! Riku hisses in my head.

I double over from the hate she throws toward him.

"Liz!" Dad yells as he catches me before my head hits the ground. My vision blurs, then I'm standing. My dad is staring at me in shock as I'm yelling at Kai.

"YOU VAMPIRE SCUM! If you've hurt them, I'll kill you!" I grab a knife off the counter as I jump at him. I don't want to hurt him but I can feel Rikus hate for Kai as she slashes at him. He blocks with his arm. I hear Ash runs into the room behind me.

"Oh my god! Lizandra, what the hell are you doing!?"

I can't stop. I cut Kai's arm open. Its deep. So deep that I can see the bone. I feel sick.

"Kai!" Ash screams. The cut heals almost immediately, leaving behind a bright red scar. I feel Ash grab me, holding me in place as she knocks the blade out of my hand. Kai walks over to us

"Liz, you need to get a hold of yourself," he says in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Take a deep breath, Liz," Kai commands. He turns to my father, "Luke, you are going to want to leave. Go get Mikee and May and go buy Lizzy a birthday present. I'll explain everything when you get home," he says, looking directly at dad

"Okay. Kai, take good care of my girls," Dad says with a smile as he walks away. I've never seen my dad like this. Does he know what's happening to me?

No he doesn't. That vamp is compelling him to stay calm. Riku says, fighting me for control.

I hear the front door shut as my dad walks out with mom and Mikee. I return my focus to Kai. He's calm

"Liz, I need you to calm down. I don't want to hurt you, you hear that, Rikk? I'm not going to hurt either of you, I just want to help."

What? How does he know your name?

She's quiet.

Of course you don't talk when I want you too! I complain to her

"Liz are you back with us?" Kai asks

"Kai, what's happening to me?" I ask as I start to cry.

Ash lets me go, coming around to hug me as I crumple to the ground.

After I calm down and everyone gets home, Ash compels them to think that I just passed out from dehydration. We continue our birthday routine as we normally would. Riku was silent the rest of the day. She now knows that she was hurting me and gives me have this day. That night she speaks up as I'm going to bed

I'm sorry Liz .... I didn't know he was good. You can't trust other Fay, they'll hurt you and try and take me away from you.

I ignore her, and go to sleep.


A few days later....

I've been successfully ignoring Riku no matter what she says. I'm not giving her any control of me. I continue life as it was before my seventeenth birthday.

Today I'm helping my mom organize the attic. Riku's rambling random shit in my head and trying to get my attention. As I work, unpacking boxes in the back of the attic, I see a box labeled in old Sharpie marker lettering "new baby". It's written in my mom's neat handwriting. Riku falls dead silent. I open it and see a picture I've never seen before ... of 3 year-old Ash holding a newborn baby ... it must have been me. All this is all pretty normal for my family. There are a lot of pictures of us in the house, but the background was what got me. In the picture we were in the mountains, next to huge trees that I'd never seen before, and Ash has dirt on her dress. The blanket I am wrapped in is dirty, which would never happen seeing as mom's a germaphobe. I look deeper into the box finding the blanket from the picture, all clean of course. I go deeper until I come across a police folder labeled

"Infant Jane Doe and Castle."


I open it to find a "found" poster with my face on it, social services reports about baby Jane Doe, and some psych tests and evaluations on Ash. Adoption papers for infant Jane Doe to Lukas and May Castle, papers to change name from Jane Doe to Lizandra Ariel Castle, then an official birth certificate for:

Lizandra Ariel Castle.

6 lbs 6.6 oz

Date 8-14-98

Birth parents unknown.

Legal guardians Lucas Aaron Castle & May Aldrin Castle.

Tears start to well in my eyes. I grab the folder, picture, and blanket as I run down the stairs,

"What is this!?" I slam them down on the desk in my parents office tears streaming down my face

"ANSWER ME!!!" I scream as I rip it open

"what is this!? What are these!?" I say throwing the blanket and papers at them, I start to crumble to the floor of the office crying, they didn't answer the just stared at me in shock.

"Why!? Why? Is my whole life a lie!?" I scream


I start rocking back and forth the tears running down my face, my mom finally speaks

"it was seventeen years ago were hiking Ash ran off when she came back she was muddy and holding you" she walked towards me

"we tried to find your birth parents baby"

"don't call me that!" I yelled interrupting her I look up at her. she looked so hurt, I felt bad for hurting her but she lied to me for seventeen years. she stuttered

"I'm... Im so sorry we didn't know how to tell you theirs never a "right" moment to tell you and you took to Ash so quickly she loved you from the start and we loved you from the moment we saw you. we knew if we couldn't find your birth parents that we couldn't give you to the foster system, so when we didnt find them we adopted you, and when you started to look like Luke it was easy to say that you were meant to be ours." She hugged me as I sobbed into her shirt. After a few minutes I could talk again

"Does Ash know I was adopted?" I asked

"No she was to young to remember." Dad spoke up

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Like I said we couldn't there was never a right time to tell you and would you have believed us? You look so much like you're da... I mean Luke." My mom said

I took in a deep breath and let it out making a woosh noise, Riku still not making so much as a peep.

"I think I need to go to Ash's and think about something's." I say looking at the ground running my hands through my hair

"if that's what you need you can go there for a few hours" my dad or Luke or who ever he was to me now said,

"No. I mean go and stay with Ash till I know what to do with all of this" I say letting out a puff of air as I stand not waiting for a response from them walking out of the office to my room to grab my stuff.

After that I started living with Ash and Kai.

Kai was teaching me how to work with Riku, I moved back to the house two weeks later but after a few weeks Riku started taking over more, yelling at May or Luke sometimes even Mikee and they soon learned about my powers after I set my bed on fire in my sleep during nightmare, which led to me getting kicked out of the house for the first time, which led to arguments almost every time I stayed at home to long, I couldn't go to school any more cause of Rikk would lash out at anyone she thought was a threat, so I home schooled and got my GED.

-- End of flashback --

~~~~~~~ I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Tell me in the comments, and Plz share and vote! Xoxoxo! ~~~~~~~

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