Taking you out on a date

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A/N Thank you all for the recent support! It means so much to me and I'm so grateful for them all! Terribly sorry for such a late upload, I'll try putting out something sooner. Also thank you for all the recent support especially from Gisela Romero! If you like it please consider voting and following me if you want to know when I post next. <3


The two of you woke up that morning in a great mood. Jason was in a giddy aura all morning. He was the first to get up, he woke you up by kissing your face all over. You were delighted by the action of waking up and being kissed. So you started to reciprocate the action. After exchanging kisses Jason hopped out of bed and dragged you to the shower with him. Helping you get clean quickly, he promised you that this would be an amazing day. You were delighted to see him this enthusiastic, you never see him in a state like this often. So when they come around you enjoy them to their extent. The showerhead turns on and hits the two of you. His wet hair framed his face, you couldn't help but admire him a little bit. (I just hope he didn't notice you staring anywhere else.)

The two of you got out of the shower and started to get ready for the day. The time was 10 am and Jason was speeding throughout the apartment. Getting dressed quickly and preparing some breakfast for the two of you. Just some simple eggs and a leftover steak from the night before. He prepared them on plates and handed them over the kitchen counter. You thanked him for the food and quickly got to work chowing down.

Due to Jason's iron stomach, he was able to down the food quickly. He cleaned his plate and started to tell you to hustle and be prepared to leave in 10 minutes. You were trying to finish the plate and hurry to catch up with Jason. In the meantime, Jason was putting on some cologne and fixing his hair. Jay took his time perfecting his appearance, he wanted to look his best for you, he wanted to make you proud. Spritzing some Polo Ralph Lauren along his body and psyching himself up in the mirror, he was ready for the day. He went back to you and nodded to the door, you were in suit and followed Jason out the door with all your essentials.

There was no definite reason why Jason had this burst of energy. The two of you discussed how you haven't done anything together for a while. Jason wanted that to change, dedicating all of his time to the person he cares most for. He wanted to spoil you in his love the best way he knows how to communicate it. So taking you places and spending quality time together was the plan. Jason just also wants to make sure you don't get tired of him. You've repeated to him how you value his company, how he is the one for you. But his insecurities get the better of him at times.

Jason was never shy about displaying you to everyone he knows. He isn't the biggest on PDA but isn't afraid to give you hugs or kisses when the mood calls for them. So Jason casually grips your hand and pulls you behind him when you two cut through the busy waves of people in the morning heading to work. People go to their office jobs and have their own lives. People that you only ever see once, going on their usual commute. Jay leads you to a nearby bookstore first. He needed some more material to read, and Jay also wanted to show you some of his favorites.

The iconic chime reverberating through the store was met by your arrival inside. Friendly workers welcome you inside. Jason slowed his pace and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Pulling you closer he wanted to browse the shelves with you. He automatically made his way to the realistic fiction section. Wanting to see any of the latest releases along with his favorite authors. At this time he did lose his hand on your shoulder. You were also browsing with him until you spot "Pride and Prejudice"

"Hey, Jay" He nonchalantly turned to you. "Isn't this your favorite book?"

His green eyes followed your hands to the book. A smile on his face, you found Jay by your side already. His hand resting on the back of the book along with yours. "Yeah, this is my favorite." stated with a soothing tone. " I love this one, didnt you tell me you wanted to check it out y/n?" A simple noise beaming from your throat. "Well I'll let you borrow mine, I believe I left my copy at the Manor. We'll have to stop by sometime soon, I bet they all miss you over there as well."

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