Chapter 1: A New Start

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I stare out of the foggy train window my right cheek has claimed as its temporary resting space. The wet landscape of the forest has been my distraction for my 3 hour ride. Today I was moved from my last foster home in preparation for the new home that has been secured for me. Another one of my "little accidents," as my caseworker refers to it. "Phee, you're a bright, sweet young lady. You're just different, and a lot of folks don't like different."

Cordelia, or "Dee" as she prefers, is my 26-year-old case worker of the past 2 years. She's a nice woman; probably the only friend I've ever had. She can be annoyingly perky, though. Hence referring to me accidentally shattering every window in my previous foster home and sending my host family's daughter to the hospital as a "little accident."

I don't mean to do it. I never mean to do it. For my entire life, my emotions have plagued me with accidents and mishaps.

The train lurches to a stop, jolting me from my thoughts and ricocheting my head against the window it had so graciously called home just seconds ago.

  Looking out the window and rubbing my sore cheek, I see a station full of pedestrians awaiting arrivals and passengers scrambling to meet their scheduled rides. I glance around the busy station, my visual scan stopping at a sign spelling out 'Ophelia'.

I gather my duffel bag of belongings and work my way down the seemingly endless aisle of the train, and out of the plexiglass doors. The man holding the sign lowers his raised arms after spotting me, and offers a warm smile as I walk towards him. His neatly aligned teeth glimmer even under the dull Seattle daylight. He looks to be no more than 45. He's a tall man, maybe 6'5 or 6'6. His balding head gives him the appearance of a Bond villain.

"Ah, you must be Ms. Falls. My name is Haysworth, but I prefer Hays if it's all the same to you." He keeps the warm smile adorned upon his semi-wrinkled face. It doesn't seem forced or fixed. It's a refreshing change of expression that I find almost comforting.

I smile up at him in return as I answer back. "Hays it is, then. I'm Ophelia, but most people call me 'trouble'." Hays smirks at my reply. "That's a pretty name. I believe I'll be using Ophelia, though." A small chuckle escapes my throat. I like Hays.

We find our way out of the crowded, cluttered station and into the just as crowded and cluttered parking lot. Hays ushers me to a large, black SUV and opens the driver's-side back door. I slide onto the smooth leather interior and glance around the vehicle.

There is a flip-up tv attached to the back of both front seats. The seats and floor mats look as though they've never seen a speck of dust. The interior is incredibly clean. Someone obviously likes to take care of their things.

"I like your car," I remark to Hays. He chuckles before responding. "I couldn't afford this if I wanted to. This would be your new foster parents' vehicle."

His reply scares me. This means I have yet to meet the actual parents and they're apparently fairly wealthy. I've only ever been in homes where I was the meal ticket. I'm used to a poorer life, comfortable with it even. It comes with fewer rules and expectations.

"So you mean you're not my host parent?" I look into the rear-view mirror to meet Hays' eyes. His gaze meets mine before answering, "no, Ms. Falls. I'm afraid I'm just a caretaker of the house and hosts of said house. You can think of me as an assistant of sorts." His eyes leave the mirror and attach themselves back to the road before pulling out of the parking space the car had been occupying. His statement brings a slight relief to my mind. Knowing a familiar and kind face would be around is a nice thought.

I once again rest my cheek upon a window and fix my eyes upon the wet scenery around me. Seattle is beautiful in the spring.

"We should be arriving at the house within the hour. Feel free to nap if you'd like." I do just as Hays suggests and close my eyes, sinking my head into the cool leather seat and letting sleep take me.

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