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              Chris whipped his Charger into his designated spot. We barely made it into the elevator before our lips crashed - the teeth-clashing kind of kiss. His grip on my waist was harsh. The moment the doors opened, we ran into his apartment. No two people have ever removed every article of clothing so feverishly. He hoisted me up against the wall, tracing kisses from my neck up to my ear. I was begging and pleading for him to take me here instead of in the bedroom. My wish was his command.

              Then, his phone rang. My eyes were asking him to ignore it, but he answered anyway.

              "Why are you calling me in the middle of the night? - This couldn't have waited until the morning? - I don't care that he wants the blueprints redrafted. - Because I'm in the middle of something. - Does it matter? - Fine. This project better earn me a hefty bonus. - Goodnight." He punched the painted drywall behind me. I thought he would've left a hole behind as a result. To my surprise, it went unscathed. Chris pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm sorry, Sabrina. I have to put in a late night's work. This prick that hired us is being insistent on new designs by the morning. If I had known, I wouldn't have dragged you from your friends."

              I rubbed his tense shoulders, "It's okay. I'll just take a cold shower and get some shut-eye. Besides, " I started strutting sensually down the hall, "I would hate to distract you."

              "Damn it, woman. How am I supposed to focus with you looking so sexy right now?"

              "Use your imagination," I bit my lower lip, "I'll see you in the morning, Sir."


              It was my first day back at work. The office was fully decorated with Christmas lights, ornaments, and mistletoe. I was alleviated that there weren't stacks of paperwork piled onto my desk. Phil had brought me a peppermint hot chocolate to welcome me back. Most of my coworkers were busy on their computers. I felt bad that they had to pick up my slack, but in my defense, I ran this division most of the time by myself along with my boss. I opened my laptop and saw that my inbox was full as I checked my email. There was one with the subject Important. My mouth fell ajar.

              *email from Mr. Bradford*

              Ms. Townsend,

              I am pleased to inform you that we are in need of a CFO at our Nashville location. You will undergo training immediately following your transfer if you decide to accept this opportunity. Construction should be complete next July, but we will need your answer by the end of the year. I look forward to hearing from you.

              Thank you, Mr. Bradford

              CEO, Bradford, Inc.

              I immediately rushed into Phil's office. I declined to announce myself until I was standing directly in front of his desk, "Hey, Phil. Why is the CEO emailing me, and why is he asking if I want to transfer three hours away? I thought I was taking over here once you retire. Well, if I decide I to. I have two choices fogging in my head: do I want to be CFO, and if I do, which office will I be working in? Is this what you wanted to talk to me about when you gave me time off? How am I -" Phil interrupted my spiral of panic.

              "Breathe, Sabrina. Calm down, and I will explain. Yes, this is what I wanted to talk to you about, but I didn't want to add anymore stress. I should've had Mr. Bradford wait until I could tell you. Most of the team is transferring since he trusts us to operate the new office. New hires will work here so he can supervise. If you stay as a financial manager or get promoted to CFO, you will still have the option to move to the Nashville office. I didn't want this to spring up on you." Phil poured me a glass of water as I sat on the suede chair. I was hyperventilating. The air was thick and suffocating. My pulse radiated through my body.

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