Chapter 12

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Yeosang's POV

I don't really know how I feel right now, after the events that happened about half an hour ago. Wooyoung and I were having a lot of fun and I was glad to be getting to know him more. He listens well and is a quick learner so he was able to make the pasta easily. The flour being thrown at me really surprised me but I was quick to join in as it was funny and I wanted to muck around. When we both fell, my heart stopped and it scared me that I might hurt him by accident but he didn't touch me. Until he did. I don't really understand what happened exactly, it caught me completely off guard and it seemed like Wooyoung hadn't meant to do it either. He didn't cry out, didn't show me he was in pain and he told me that it didn't hurt but I'm not sure if he was just hiding it from me to make me feel better. His explanation for kissing me on my birthmark made me cry, taking over any worry I had for him being hurt. I can't believe he likes it that much that he would risk getting hurt to kiss it. It doesn't make any sense. After Wooyoung told me to go lay down, I went straight to my room and flopped down onto my bed.

That leads to me now. I was sitting on my bed, leaning against the headboard with my knees tucked to my chest. I had Toothless clutched in my eyes and I was struggling to fight back tears. My emotions were going haywire and I couldn't understand what was going on. The tears started to fall once again and I groaned thumping my head back against the wall. I sniffled and moved my arms away from Toothless, pulling my gloves off to air out my hands a bit. I tried wiping away my tears but they just continued to fall, so I just gave up. I still can't believe Wooyoung did that. It was incredibly nice and something I never expected. Jongho mentioned once that he thought it was pretty but mum and dad have always said it was ugly, no one has certainly ever kissed it before. Ugh, why does my brain have to be so annoying sometimes.

I must've lost track of how long I was sitting there for because before I knew it, there was a soft knock on my door. "Just a second," I called out, quickly putting my gloves back on and wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"Come in," I said once I was finished.

"You doing ok," San asked quietly as he walked inside.

"Yeah. Sorry, I was just putting my gloves back on," I explained.

"That's alright. But I was talking about what happened earlier. Wooyoung said something happened and you were upset," he said gently. Oh, right.

"I'm ok," I said quietly. He gave me a gentle smile before walking inside, closing the door behind him.

"Are you sure? You can talk to me if you want," he said. I worried my lip slightly, contemplating if I should talk to him. It would help getting my emotions under control and understand how I'm feeling because I can't really decipher it. I shuffled slightly, leaning forwards and patting the other end of my bed before leaning back. San took the hint and walked over, sitting down across from me. After what happened a few days ago, San and I have gotten closer and I feel more comfortable around him. I can't be around Mingi much at the moment because there's still another 4 or 5 days that he can't mute my powers for and if I have him near me, I'm going to want to hug him.

"So, spill. What happened, cos Wooyoung didn't tell us anything other than he messed up and you're upset," he said. But I'm not upset with him, not really. I was just overwhelmed and confused. I hope he doesn't feel guilty.

"I'm not upset with him," I said quietly.

"Oh, he said you were. And it's kind of obvious that you've been crying," he said.

"I know. I'm not upset with him, I'm just. I don't know how to explain it, I just have a lot of emotions and it's just confusing me," I said with a sigh.

"You got overwhelmed," he said and I nodded.

"Ok, so what was it that overwhelmed you," he asked.

"He kissed me," I whispered, making his eyes go wide. Ok, yeah, I could've worded that differently.

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