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The Ennead. A group of nine egyptian deities: Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. The Egyptian viewers of creation, the struggles of good and evil, the nature of the afterlife.
Recently, instead of judging the souls of the people of Egypt, they've been having to judge their own peers.

The Goddess, Ammit, had just been sentenced to imprisonment in stone about a month ago for attempting to devour souls before they were ready. Today, they are having a meeting about what to do about two other Goddesses, who have been rumored to be planning the end of cosmic balance and using forbidden magic to do so.

Inside the Pyramid of Giza, 8 Gods stand before the Goddesses, their wrists bound to their sides and on the faces of the Gods in front of them, you can see they feel betrayed, but mostly angered by the efforts to offset the cosmic balance.

For their crimes, they will not only be imprisoned in stone, just like the Goddess Ammit, but they will also be tethered to the lives of the Ennead members. So, if all deities of the group were to die, the spell will be undone and unleash the two Goddesses.

The Ennead begin to perform the spell, their eyes shining a light shade of gray. The two Egyptian deities scream and shake as a stone materializes between the Gods.

The first Goddess begins to disappear, her stone of a woman with the wings of a Vulture, her partner having to watch, but not for long because her transfer soon begins- she'll be the stone of a woman with horns and the wings of a Hawk.

They, the Goddess of Justice and Truth; the Goddess of Death and Darkness, who is now no longer a member of the Ennead- have been imprisoned and shall remain in stone for the rest of eternity, at least that's what everyone had hoped.

Despite their efforts to save the cosmos, one man, two thousand years later, will have ruined their plans. He would be the cause for any and all destruction brought to the Universe.

In his attempt to be Ammit's greatest Avatar and help her in devouring the souls of those who are bound to do or have done wrong in their lives, he unleashes forces he didn't know were there. He got the Ennead killed, and with their absences, evil was brought back and it came back stronger, having time to develop their plans for Cosmic corruption. He would be the reason millions lose their lives, he would be the cause of worlds to be destroyed, he's now the cause for any and all devastation that happens; not just in Egypt, but throughout the entire Universe.

His name was...

Arthur Harrow.

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