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Raya's P.O.V

Hi, My Name Is Raya Smith. I'm 21 years old, I'm orphan and I'm you average nerd girl, nothing special really.

Though I am a bit different from the normal girls due to my mutation but that's nothing special either. I just have a dick and balls with no vagina.

You won't believe how many guys turned green when I they found out. It was so hilarious.

Anyways, like I said I'm your average nerd girl who likes to reas comics and watch anime for most of my time. I'm not a neet though, as I do go out to work and buy things. I even have some friends.

Currently right now, I was walking down the street while looking at my phone. I was currently in a Discord Server that was all about DC.

'Man these guys are insane, why are they so against Supergirl and Lena Luthor getting together?' I questioned as they we're talking about the TV show ones.

'My genuine ship, is Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. They just click so well together and they already done it in the comics.' I thought as I turned the corner and continued to walk on.

'Hm? Someone asked if Moon Knight and Batman fought who would win? I will have to say Moon Knight as one Batman won't have any prep time neither nor does he know the full extent of Moon Knights powers.' I thought as I sent my answer into the chat.

Once I dod that, I started walking across the street with my face completely glued to my phone.

'Man, What is everyone's problem?! I'm just telling the truth!... What do you mean Superman can kill Goku?!' I shouted in my head annoyed at this chat.

I was about to respond to that idiotic comment when suddenly a truck horn blew.

My head snapped from my phone and to the side to see an incoming truck, already to close to me to dodge.

'You have to be kidding me...?' I thought before suddenly everything went black.


"Well, Well, Well, who do we have here?" An Old but joyful voice said.

My eyes immediately snapped open as I was greeted by a new sight of clouds and a pretty blue sky.

Looking down at where I was I laid my eyes on someone.

Looking down at where I was I laid my eyes on someone

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"Hm? Are you... God?" I questioned staring at the Old man.

"Indeed I am my child, Raya, right?" He questioned me as I stared at him amazed.

"This is so awesome..." I couldn't help but say he just chuckled.

"Indeed it is, though do you mind telling me what your doing here?" He asked me as I just shrugged.

"Am I not supposed to be here?" I asked him curiously.

"No, Not Really. Once you die, your supposed to go to get your soul cleansed so you may get reincarnated, but you are currently here which should be mildly impossible." He told me as I looked at him.

"Oh, well if that's the case. Am I still able to get reincarnated?" I asked him.

"Yes, I could do it for you right now, but I'm interested in why you came here in the first place. This has never happened before." He told me as I just shrugged.

"I really don't know, One second I was on my phone. Then the next, I had one of the most cliché deaths ever." I said still embarrassed that I died to truck-kun.

God chuckled at my words as he gave me a fatherly smile.

"Well, Raya, I think this forms for something special. Since I will still need to reincarnate you. I will allow you to have 3 wishes." He told me making my eyes widen at the news.

"3 wishes?!" I said shocked as he nodded with a smile.

"3 wishes, though there will be some restrictions, but we'll get to that later." He told me as I nodded

"Well if that is the case, I wish to have a Gamble System. That will include a multitude of abilities, skills, items and Bloodlines." I told him as he looked at me.

"Hm? A tricky one right off the top, aye? Well you can have it, but abilities from places like Jojo, One Punch Man, Zeno and Mob Psycho 100 will not be included." He told me as I nodded.

"That's fine, For my next wish, I wish for both Physical and Spiritual Talent so that I can learn things more quickly and master it within lesser time." I told him.

"That can definitely be done, I was already planning on giving you something similar along with some other stuff, but you'll be able to see that later." He told me as I smiled.

"Great, Now for my last wish. I wish to be reincarnated in the Dc Universe, more specifically Gotham." I told him as he gave me a chuckle of amusement.

"Despite dieing already, you really want to go to such a dangerous place?" He asked me as I smirked.

"That's what those last two wishes are supposed to help me through." I replied to him.

"Heh, well if that is the case. You really might need the Passive Skills I gave you." He told me.

"Well let me inform you now since we have some time before your moved. To use the Gambe System it requires points. You receive 2 points every month and another way to get points in is to turn in 1,000 dollars each for one point." He told me.

"Well that isn't much, as long as I find a good job atleast." I said.

"The pays there isn't great, but I believe you can work something out. Anyways I didn't place any ranks on the system so everything is random and up to your luck. I gave you some freebies to get yourself started and some cash to use whatever way you choose." He informed me.

"Thanks God, this is the best thing that ever happened to me!" I told him as he chuckled.

"It's no problem, my child. And would you look at that, right in the nick of time." He said as my body soon started to sparkle and shine.

"Wow!" I said surprised.

"Your being transferred to your new world. So make the best of it! And don't die to early alright!" He told me as I nodded and smiled.

"I'm definitely going to live this life the best!" I said as my vision was becoming black.

'I shall live my life like no other, that is my life!'



It's time to get this party started right!

A Queen Like No Other {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now