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Its finally graduation day. You've only just woken up and you're already in a great mood. You have so many things to look forward to today. You get up and start your morning routine. When Toriel knocks on your door to wake you up, you've already been up for fifteen minutes. You finish getting ready by putting on your crown and heading to breakfast.

"Today is Guard Graduation," Asgore starts as you sit down at the table, "so Y/n, I'm expecting you to be on your best behavior, until the after party of course."

"I will Dad." You agree as you finish breakfast.

"We'll arrive at the ceremony at eleven. It's scheduled to start at twelve and end at one. The party is directly afterwards." Asgore says.

You look at the clock, ten twenty eight. You still have about fourty minutes until graduation. You sigh, "I'm going to the library, can someone come get me when its time?" You ask.

"Of course." Toriel smiles.

You smile and leave the table. Once you arrive in the library you start reading where you left off. Thirty minutes pass and Toriel gets you so you can leave. You're practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. You don't think you've been this excited about an event since Sans became a royal scientist.

Your family arrives and you're greeted by the royal guard captin, Undyne.

"Mr and Mrs Dremurr, and Prince
Y/n, glad you could make it." Undyne says shaking everyone's hand.

"We wouldn't miss this for the end of the world." Asgore says.

"We have a bunch of graduates this year. Almost double of what we had last year." Undyne reports.

"I'm glad that monsters feel more motivated to join now that Y/n is almost eighteen." Toriel says.

You nod to that comment. You space out staring at the stage while your parents talk with Undyne. You see the graduates walk in wearing their offical armour. You watch them sit down with clanks from their armour.

"It's almost time. Let's head up onto the stage and wait for everyone to arrive." Asgore says.

You follow Asgore and Toriel up onto the stage while whispering to Undyne, "arm wrestle rematch after this?" You ask.

"You know it kid. You gotta let me get at least one shot in before it this time." Undye whispers back.

You let out a quiet chuckle. As you walk over and stand next to Toriel. You watch monster families of all types flood in and take their seats. You watch Sans come in and take a seat in the back. You smile at him. He definitely didn't get any sleep last night from the looks of his tired smile.

The last of the crowd takes their seats. It gets quiet when the music starts up. The music dies down at the end of the song and Asgore starts talking,

"I'm very proud of all of our hard working graduates today. They have shown the bravery and strength it takes to become a royal guard. Now, I'd like Undyne to announce the top graduate of this year." Asgore says before handing the microphone to Undyne.

"Before I start, thank you all for sticking with me through your training. It takes determination to undergo that much of my terrible cooking." Undyne says making some people laugh. "Anways, this years top graduate is a monster that has excelled in multiple training aspects, and I, personally, never expected him to get this far. Heck, being honest, I never expected him to last after the first day, but he still came back every day, always somehow showing up before me. I'm proud to announce that this years 'best of the class' award is going to Papyrus Gaster!" Undyne announces.

People start clapping and whistling for Papyrus as he makes his way up onto the stage. He shakes hands with Undyne, who then immeaditly pulls him into a nogie. You hear Papyrus say something along the lines of, "don't nogie the skeleton!"

You laugh as Papyrus makes his way over yo Asgore next. Asgore places a small medal on Papyrus' armour. Papyrus shakes hands with Toriel and then finally makes his way to you.

You feel your face heat up and you start shaking. What is happening? You've never been this embarrassed in a public situation. You shake hands with Papyrus. You smile at him and whisper, "congratulations."

He nods at you. You're heart starts beating faster. Papyrus makes his way off the stage and sits back down. You take your seat again aswell.

"With that out of the way we'll start handing out the offical guard cards. Going from alphabetic order." Asgore says before Undyne starts announcing names followed by claps. Another name. More clapping. You shake the graduates hand. Another name. More clapping. Another hand shake.

This goes on for twenty minutes. You sigh as Asgore finally announces the party has started. Everyone starts filtering into the room next door. You make your way off the stage. Toriel and Asgore pull you aside. "Have fun. Don't get into to much trouble, and be home before dawn." Toriel says.

"Thanks mom, I will." You smile at her before running up to Sans talking with Undyne and Alphys.

"Thank god you came to save me, if I stood here alone listening to these two flirt for another minute I might've puked." Sans says.

Undyne hits Sans lightly on the back of the skull as you laugh. "Seriously though, when are you two getting married?" You ask teasing the two.

Their faces go red. Undyne looks embarrassed. "That's it punk!" She grabs you by the collar of your shirt and starts walking into the other room. "Me, you, arm wrestle, now!" She says.

"Scaref you'll get beat again?" You ask.

Undyne laughs. "You wish!"

"U-Undyne maybe this isn't a-a good idea!" Alphys yells running after Undyne.

Sans walks behind Alphys. They get into the party room. There's already a table set up in the middle of the room. Undyne drops you on one side and stands on the other side. She puts her elbow on the table waiting for you to accept her challenge. You smirk and grab her hand.

Everything goes quiet. All eyes are on you and Undyne now. Older graduates are whispering to the new graduates What's about to go down. You see one monster's eyes widen and his jaw open. You see her whisper back, "is he insane?"

"Ready, set, go!" Sans yells.

You and Undyne put all your strength onto each other's arm. "You've gotten a bit stronger." You say as your arm gets close to the surface of the table.

"Hehe, this is the year I win!" Undyne yells.

You push on Undyne's arm and bring it back to the middle. You slam Undyne's arm against the table and quickly stand up.

"Ha! I win again!" You yell.

Undyne makes a noise in anger, "I can't believe this!" She stands up in defeat.

"Hey, there's always next year to beat you again." You say as you fist bumb Undyne.

"Next year is the year I finally beat you." Undyne chuckles. "Alright now where's the food. I'm starving." She then walks over to the food table.

You walk over to the fruit punch bowl and get yourself a glass. "I wouldn't drink that." Sans says.

"And why not?" You ask.

Sans smiles and pulls a bottle of clear liquid out of his jacket. You facepalm.

"Really? Again?" You ask.

Sans laughs. "No, I'm kidding. This is just something I stole for an older guard already passed out drunk."

"Good." You take a sip from your cup and then spit it back into the cup. "Liar." You say.

Sans starts laughing, "couldn't resist the urge." He shrugs.

You sigh as you scan the are you for anyone you can make friends with. You hold the red cup in your hand standing near the food. You hear people shouting "Chug!" You look to your right and see Undyne holding the punch bowl chugging the whole thing.

"Need this?" Someone asks.

You turn and face the person. Papyrus?

The Prince and The Guard<Papyrus x Male Reader>Where stories live. Discover now