• Chapter Twelve •

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April opened her eyes to darkness. This doesn't look like Akira's den at all... where am I? She thought to herself. Rather confused, she put a foot foward, about to walk around to figure out where she was.

Just as she started walking foward, a bright flash of light blinded her. Once she could see again, she saw she was in what looked to be her Dad's old house.

Blinking, she walked around, trying to find her Dad. While walking into the kitchen, she tripped on a doorstop. She flung out her hand, grabbing onto a nearby table to catch herself. But then she noticed the difference. Hand? What happened to her paw? Shocked, she ran over to the mirror above the kitchen sink to see what she looked like.

Once she got there, she saw she was human again. Her hair was a mess, looking as if she didn't brush it in weeks. She had a plain blue T-shirt combined with some khaki shorts on. Wondering what happened for her to get here, she continued walking around. And that's when she stumbled upon her Dad.

Her Dad looked down and her while smiling. "Honey, you're home! I've missed you!" Still confused, April blinked. "Yeah..! Happy to be back here!" April coughed a before adding, "Uhm... random question, did you see anything out of the ordinary recently?" Her Dad shook his head. "Nope. Anyways, why don't we spend some time together? Go out see a movie or something?" April nodded as her Dad led her to the car.

April hopped in the passenger seat while her Dad drove. "So, how have things been at your new job?" "...Good! The team welcomed me with open arms!" April was unsure of herself. Wasn't she still supposed to be still be with sleeping with Akira? "That's great to hear! Now, let's go get something to eat before we watch that movie."

When they were nearing the restaurant, everything decised to go wrong. They were in the same city April drove through to get to the laboratory waiting for a traffic light to turn green. When it finally turned green, a car ran the red light, slamming straight into her Dad's car.

Glass flew everywhere. The car had hit them so hard that it had sent April flying out of the door. Lying on the road, she knew this was it.

With what little life she had left in her, she called out for help. Something responded to her... She felt like she was also being shaken. Everything went black. And then she could make out what the voice was saying.

"April..? April, wake up! It's a nightmare, your fine!" April shot awake, sitting up in a hurry. "April, are you okay? You wouldn't stop screaming help even after I shook you!" April slowly nodded. But she was really too to zoned out to actually respond to Akira.

She all of a sudden remembered the day her Mom told her that her Dad died. She had explained how her Dad got into a really bad car accident and had passed away from it. That dream made her love out the moments before her Dad died. It had made her live out the accident Dad went through.

"Uhm... April? You there?" Snapping back into reality, she was met with a paw waving infront of her face. "..Yeah, I'm here..." She made the mistake of talking in a off tone. A tone that worried Akira. "Alright, tell me what's wrong. Tell me about whatever that nightmare was about. It was has certainly dazed you." April sighed before turning to Akira.

"It made me live out the accident my Dad died in. I was in that car crash with him. I felt the same amount of pain he did." Akira had a look of symphony on her face now. "I don't know what a car is, but I know whatever happened there was bad." April nodded. She was right. That day sure had put alot of tramua on her.

She then felt Akira's arms wrap around her and pull her into a hug from behind. "Just try to forget about it. That was probably a long time ago, am I right?" April nodded. "Just remember, you're safe from any car crashes here. And I bet your Dad's in a better place now.." Akira paused before continuing. "I would think hes watching over you. I bet he's proud of you. Why wouldn't he be? From all that I've seen, you're a great goo who does great things. You care for others and give whatever you can. So there's no way he wouldn't be proud of you. Just try to think of that."

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