my story

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Hey guys, this is my first, ever! Camilo x reader. So I hope you enjoy it and that I don't fuck it up. Thank you so much for reading this and I will try to update more frequently. Thanks guys.

Hi, my name is y/n l/n my story begins when my abeula died. It's not a day I like to recall but it's when my whole life changed, how so? Welllllll........

Y/n:" ANDRÉS!!!!!! I'm going to kill you!!"

Andrés:" uh oh"

That bone-head, is my brother. My very annoying-overprotective brother who can infuriate me so much that I explode. But even though we're very different and he gets on my nerves, I'd do anything for him, he means the world to me.

I love him with all my heart, and I'm very thankful to have him.

Y/n:" get back here you coward!"

Andrés:" im not loco y/n! Nor am I suicidal!" 

Oh yeah, your probably wondering why I'm chasing him. I'm chasing that bone-head because he told the whole town! That I have a crush on Daniel Totoro which is nonsense! 

I finally caught up to him and tackled him to the floor.

Y/n:" who's so strong now, Chico duro?"


I got so angry I started attacking him with my shoe.

Andrés:" ok! Ok! Ok! I surrender! I surrender"

 When I was finally happy I said.

Y/n:" well, I'm waiting where's my sorry"

Andrés:" *sigh* lo siento"

Y/n:" aaaand?"

Andrés:" *groans* your...stronger than me"

I let out a satisfied sigh and get off him.

Y/n:" let's go down stairs, I'm sure mama already made breakfast...race ya!"

I said already running off and downstairs, to smell mamas wonderful cooking.

Andrés:" hey no fair! You had a head start!"

I stuck my tongue out to him and he did so back. On and on and on, until ma interrupted us.

Mariana:" aye! Dios mio will you two ever stop bickering?!" She said facing us. I looked at Andrés and we turned back to ma and said at the same time.

Andrés:" probably not"

Y/n:" probably not"

We looked back at each other and started laughing, my mother sighed but soon laughed a little as well.

My ma is four months pregnant with our new brother or sister. Personally Andrés thinks it's gonna be a boy, I honestly don't care as long as it's healthy and mamas ok.

We helped prepare the table and mama asked me a question while Andrés was busy making sure we had everything, except the food.

Mariana:" so, how is your gift going?"

I sigh as I help her put the arepas on the grill.

Y/n:" mama, you know I don't like to talk about it. Besides having gifts is forbidden in this town"

Mariana:" i still want you to control it, the gift of music is a beautiful gift that can never cause harm. Unless you want it too that is"

Oh, yeah. One more thing, I have the gift of music I was born with a sirens voice that can hypnotize anyone. Or I can be so loud that their eardrums explode I can also detect things through sound waves when I have my eyes closed or it's dark.

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