Chapter three

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"I thought we were going to your place?" savanah asked as they pulled up to a big house party.

"we are, just gotta make a stop first" ashtray said as they all got out of the car.

Something didnt feel right about this, and Savannah was always taught to always follow your instincts

"I- I think im just gonna go back to laruies house" savanah shut the car door and started walking away

"its fine, we won't be here long" ashtray grabbed onto Savanahs hand before making their way into the house. Ash kept looking behind him to make sure Savannah was still following even though their hands were intertwined.

"yo wasgood?" ashtray dabbed up a few guys and sat down by the pool. Savanah noticed one of the guys looking her up and down so she sat right next to ash

"this yo bitch?" the dude asked

ashtray looked over at savanah and back at the dude "nah bro, thats my friend"

ashtray noticed the way the dude looked at savanah and he immediately shut it down "that wasn't an inventaion to get in her pants dude, so fuck off"

"dick" the boy mutter before walking off

Savannah and Ashtray sat their for a few moments before she got up "im gonna go to the bathroom, ill be right back"

ashtray hesitantly nodded his head and watched as the girl got lost in the crowed house before going back to talking to his friends. the girl was so mysterious to him. It was like you would have to dig deep to really know about her.

savanah finally found the bathroom and leaned up against the hallway waiting for it to be open

"hey" a voice said from behind her. Savanah turned around a saw a girl with long black hair come up to her "waiting for the bathroom?"

"yea, this person is taking so long though" she slightly laughed.

"im maddy" the girl said


maddy walked past her and started banging on the door

"im using the bathroom!" a boys voice called from inside


Savanahs eyesbrosws raised and her breath hitched. Nate.

"Nate hurry the fuck up!"

Savannahs eyes grew heavy from the name. Her mind felt like it was running in circles.

"You good?" Maddy asked, nothing savanah looking sick.

"Yea, I'm gonna go get a drink"

she continued off through the house and noticed fez get up from the couch and take his sweater off, leaving him in a white shirt.

savanah leaned against the counter and watched fez go up to nate who had finally left the bathroom, when suddenly, savanah felt someone grab onto her wrist  and pull her out of the house

"what are we doing?" she asked

"going home, fez told me to get you and start the car"

ashtray opened the door to the back seat for Savannah and go into the driver seat....

the three walked into the house tiredly.

"fighting makes you tired" fez sighed

"tell me about it" savannah chuckled slightly, seeing ashtray come out of his room with a pillow and a blanket

"thank you" Savannah said, just above a whisper

"yeah no problem" ashtray and savanah stood there looking at each other before ashtray cleared his throat

'well uh, goodnight"

"goodnight" savanah gave him a tightlipped smile.

"goodnight" savanah gave him a tightlipped smile

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Grown ups [Ashtray]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang