Rest in pieces

78 13 6

Chapter one

My eyes quickly darting from side to side as the sound of a loud horn echoes in the distance, the souls of my feet slapping repeatedly on the damp ground.

My jacket pulled tightly around me as bitter wind bites at my nose and exposed skin.

The chilly filling that wraps around a person like a blanket. The high bricked homes looming over me as I keep my head firmly tilted down to avoid any unnecessary eye contact.

My jeans hanging loosely at my waist, almost dragging along the floor as my hands bunch up in my pockets. The hood of my jacket covering my ears as another large gust of winds hits me, raising goosebumps along my white skin.

The hair on my head plastered to my forehead as droplets of rain slowly fall from the gray sky. The sun never bothering to shine light on the wet earth, only the bitter wind that claws slowly through my shirt.

The flicker from the street lights slowly guiding me to my destination. The sound of cars racing by as another massive gust of wind almost pushes me off my feet. The ratty converse that sit on my feet, socked and damp.

A slight movement to my right makes me almost jump into the street as a women speeds past me with a large bag of groceries clutched in her small hands.

My hands digging deeper into the pockets of my jacket as cold droplets of rain splatter down onto the road as another street light greets me.

The large pole sticking high up into the sky with the slightest tint of yellow glow streaming out from the top.

Stores lights catch my attention as I pass by many grabbing wood and other chilly weather needs. The sales mans face lights up with a massive grin as money is thrown onto the table, his greedy fingers stroking the green cash.

The sky turning another shade of gray as I come close to my destination, there is only a few blocks to go.

My breath starts to make little clouds in front of me as my feet slap loudly on the stone side walk; kicking up dirt and water that start to wash down the street, almost like a river.

My fingers curl around he object that sits in my pocket as the lights from a house comes into view.

Nervousness curls around the pit of my stomach as I start to walk closer to the house that sits under the charcoal sky's. A figure walks across the window as I slowly approach the large bricked steps that leads up to the wooden door.

My feet touches the first step slowly and carefully I start to climb up towards the light, like a moth, I am drawn to it. My shirt sticking to my chest as one of my hands slips out from my pocket.

The wood, smooth under my finger tips, I slowly run my fingers over the grain before bringing down a clenched fist on the wood.

The handle of the door pokes out from the dark wood.

Nothing happens, making the pit of fear grow; bringing down my fist harder the bang echoes around me suddenly making me jump back from the door.

My eyes go extremely large as the sound bounces of the walls around me; my hood falling away from my head, exposing my wet hair. The walls around me almost closing in.

Then the door swings open and there stands a small women with long blond hair that falls in waves down her sides. She smiles at me, showing her white teeth. Bright light pours out from behind her.

"Come in." Her sweet voice reaches my ears as I take a slow step towards her trying not to hesitate, this is the first time I am doing this.

Her soft feature catching me off guard as she openly usher me into her home. Large cream colored walls surround me as I step inside of the house, a warm comforting feeling starts to roll in my stomach.

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