Social Psychology

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     Senor Chang is a very complicated man. If I was at all interested in psychology I would definitely have a great thesis subject in him. He does however take great photos. Something about him just pops, or at least that's what my photography teacher seems to think. He has helped me ace a couple of assignments, so I guess I can't complain. 

     I am brought out of my thoughts when Senor Chang starts talking to the class. "Before we wrap up I'd like to thank you guys for filling out theses volunteer evaluation cards. I found your feedback to be largely constructive and flattering. So graçious on that." He points to Abed and winks at me.

     For helping get an A on my last photography assignment the least I could do is let him know about it. I may have embellished some of the compliments for the sake of being on his good side. Taking photos of the man has shown me a side of him not to be trifled with. When you see a man eat a pickled bull testicle without flinching there is really no going back. 

     "De ñada." Abed says from beside me. I just nod back at Senior Chang. No need to say anymore than what I put on the card. 

     "You don't have to sign your name anymore." Senior Chang responds to Abed. 

     I look over at Abed and smiled at him. Sometimes he is just so adorable without even trying. 

     "Got it." Abed says back to him looking like a confused puppy.

     "But there was one evaluation that was so harsh and hurtful and racist I took the time personally to analyze that handwriting against past exams. And this particular coward..." Senior Chang says with his usual dramatic flair. I should have known he wouldn't have brought this up without a more nefarious reason. To think this class was going pretty smooth. 

     I look over to Pierce as he says this. He is honestly the only person who makes sense. Even he thinks so as he covers his face trying to hide.  When he starts to head over into Annie's direction I can't believe it. What could she have put down that was worse than something Pierce can produce. I'm going to have to ask Abed or Troy if they can get ahold of the review later.

"...dots her eyes with tiny, itty-bitty, little circles. Poop, poop. Ain't that precious and cute." He says as he presses their noses together. I can see Senior Chang whisper something to her and then he kisses her forehead. I feel for Annie I do, but I am so glad for it not to have been me. Not only do I not like the attention, but Senior Chang is the type of crazy I would rather avoid.

     When Senor Chang releases us to go to our next class I can finally release the breath I had lodged in my chest.  Troy, Abed, myself head to our next class together in a comfortable silence still wrapped up in the dramatic ending of our Spanish class. We all have the same science class which is awesome. I don't have to find a new study group for science. Our science class has us working in groups of three which works out great for me. I don't have to work with strangers.

     It can be a little trying to work with Troy and Abed. Troy likes to play dumb and not try at all and Abed gets lost in his head a little too much, but once I get them focused it goes a lot smoother.  Currently we are testing soils, nothing too difficult. In all honestly a very boring class to have after Spanish. It's like watching a very juicy soap opera that always leaves on a cliff hanger and then watching Cspan. 

    Troy heads to the lunch room before Abed and myself to get us seats at a table. Abed and I head off to the lunch line to get food for all of us. "Rowen, would you like to watch the first three Indiana movies tomorrow at The Vista with me?" Abed asks me randomly as we wait in line.

     I like hanging out with Abed. He is nice and peaceful in a way. I love all the fun he has, plus I told myself when starting college I would go out and do more things. "Sure Abed I would love too. Why just the first three, though?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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