•Chapter 19•

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Y/N pov:

As morning came I opened my eyes to see the peaceful boy with red hair sleeping next to me as I smiled as got up. I walked over to Gaara's side as I wanted to kiss his forehead but it did not happen as I wanted it to. I bend  over to kiss his forehead as I suddenly felt his hands on my face as I felt his lips on mine as I kissed back. I soon after broke the kiss and smiled looking at him. "So your awake" I said as he smiled and got up "your adorable when you sleep" he said as I smiled blushing a bit. "And you are when you pretend to sleep." I said as I walked out the door. "(Y/N)!" I heard as I turned around to see Lee, TenTen, Ino, Choji and Shigumaru "so is it true that your leave the leaf?" TenTen asked as the all wondered if it was true "you it is trey I'm going to go give this in to lady Tsunade now" I said as I held my leaf shinobi headband with my (F/C) band "will we see you again?" Ino asked as i looked at her "I'm sure I would be able to to come here now and then or even if you guys go to the village hidden in the sand for a mission some time." I said as I turned around "well it's time for me to go now" I said as I walked away "mat your will burn as bright as ever lady (Y/N)" Lee said as I smiled. I soon arrived at the Hokage's office as I knocked "come in" I heard as I walked out "lady Homage I have came to give you this" I said as I placed the headband infront of her and wanted to leave but she grabbed my hand. "Keep it your one of us" she said as placed the headband in my hand and I smiled and thanked her leaving. I walked through the village saying goodbye to everyone as I soon found myself at the gate with Gaara's team, team 7, team 8 and team 10 waiting for me. After a long conversation and goodbye's as all the villagers soon came to say one last goodbye. I placed my leaf shinobi headband on my right arm as I placed the headband of the sand Gaara gave me on my left as we moved out. "I will never forget you guys!" I yelled out a few feet away from the village "and Naruto i know that you can because Hokage one day" I said as we jumped in the direction of the sand.

Gaara pov:

"(Y/N).." I said as we looked to each other "is something wrong Gaara" she asked as i smiled "I have been thinking of making you the hidden Kazakage" I said as Temari and Kankuro looked at me "Lord Gaara are you sure?" Temari said as I nodded "what is the hidden Kazakage?" She asked. "The hidden Kazakage is the person who will because the Kazakage if something happens to Gaara" Kankuro said as I saw the surprising face "are you sure Gaara?" she asked as i nodded yes "our village is the only who does this without other poeple knowing so it will stay between us" I said as they agreed so we continued to the village. Long after we arrived and was welcomed by the villagers we went to talk to the feudal Lord as they took longer than expected. When we where done we soon went to my place to get rest.

---big time skip---

Y/N pov:

Here in the sand everyone is so kind but I get lost sometimes because ever house looks the same. As I was walked around I saw something shining so I ran to it and picked it up to see it

 As I was walked around I saw something shining so I ran to it and picked it up to see it

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It made me think of Karumaru so I smiled. I decided to used clones to go through the village to ask them if this belonged to them but nobody knew who's it was. I soon went through the whole village and gave up and went back to Gaara. As I arrived I saw him working so I walked to him "so what are you doing Gaara" I asked as he looked at me "(Y/N) I'm working on the wedding plans" he said as I looked at him "the leaf again am I right?" I asked as he nodded "not your father's and the teams you where friends with will be coming" he said as lookes outside "speaking of my father's.. I don't know who to ask to give me away. I wanted to ask them both but we both know I can't do that" I said looking at him "since I'm the Kazakage and you are the hidden Kazakage we can make an explosion" he said as I smiled hugging him as he looked at my hand seeing the armband "where did you get that?" He asked as i placed it on his table "I found it and nobody in the village knows who's it is I tried to find the owner but no luck" I said as I sat down on one of the seats helping with the planing for the big day to come

This is the end of chapter 19 hope you enjoyed it and I will start with chapter 20 now
{Chapter 20 will be the wedding and the last chapter for now since I don't have much ideas and the exams starts in 2 days}

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