Ch 36: Boom!!!

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*third person's POV*

As Fría finally killed the last one near the cliff, she then took a long step back and sighed. She then run towards the cliff jumping off in the process and she landed on her feet with a hunting knife in her left hand and a gun in the right.

Hernando's men came out of the yacht and start fighting her.

Fría attacked them using her hunting knife.


Hernando on the other hand is smiling widely as he watches the scene outside.

"I will have you again Fría ..." He said and left the hostages


Ughh!! Fuck!! First, find them then kill Hernando...

Fría said to herself as she walk inside the yacht slowly looking from both sides for any enemies.

As she got inside in the room she saw her mother, Mami, and sister looking at her but didn't walk toward them.

"Hernando?!! Get the fuck out here!!!" Fría yell and she can see her mom flinch

As Fría looked at Callista she saw a scratch on her knees, a scratch on her mother's shoulder, and her Mami Imee have a wound on her cheeks this angered Fría even more.

"HERNANDO?! Be a man and fight me! You damn cunt!!!" Fría yell again

In a minute three men came toward her attacking her from behind. Fría kicks the other man in the balls earning a painful moan from him, she then looks to the left to see the other two-man holding a knife. she looks at them and saw the fear in their eyes yet she didn't give a fuck...

Fría took her hunting knife while panting.

My body is slowing down...I need to finish this quickly...

Fría attacked the man on the right with her hunting knife, the man dodge it and the man on the left then attack Fría, Fría got a hold of his neck and she break it into two. She then looks at the last man and smiles evilly. She attack the man with a kick and the man defense himself by using his two hands, he then attacks Fría with a punch on the right, Fría dodge it but as she dodge the attack a hard thing hit her on the back of her neck making her lose all her energy and her vision started to blurry.

"What did Uncle J tell you Fría? Don't you ever turn your back on the enemy..." Hernando said as he smirk

He then walk towards Fría kicking her on the stomach multiple times earning a pained moan from her

"Mmm!! Hmmm!! Mmmm!" Irene's muffled screams can be heard

"Ughh!! Ackk!!" Fría moans in pain

Hernando then got to his knees grab Fría's hair harshly.

"You shouldn't have let your guard down, Reina De Sangre Fría!!" Hernando yell and punch Fría's face as she was thrown by the force


The last thing that Fría saw is Hernando's evil smile and her mother's tears, Mami Imee's eyes filled with fear, and Callista's cries...


Back at the Marcos mansion in Batac

Greggy and everyone inside the mansion are in shambles, borgy and Matt trying to calm mama meldy whose been crying hysterically and Rodrigo whose ready to kill anyone.

Greggy on the other hand is trying to calm himself as he waits for BBM to come. The police and ambulance already came earlier and have cleaned the area.

Reina de Sangre FríaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang