𝐢. 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚

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m e t a n o i a
the journey to changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.


The ceiling of Kuroo's bedroom starts to look uglier the more he stares at it. He often challenged himself to close his eyes and focus on his breathing until he was too tired to carry on. That's what the doctor recommended he do when she prescribed the sleeping pills.

He remembers that day very clearly. Never did he think that he would visit the campus' walk-in clinic. Take two tablets right before you sleep, the doctor told him after scribbling his prescription on a note and handing it to him. Kuroo could see the look of uncertainty in her eyes when she said that, but he didn't question her about it. Should knock you out in an instant.

"Should knock me out in an instant," he reiterates to the ceiling, and to anything that may be listening, "It's been four hours since the instant was supposed to hit."

Even the ticking of Kuroo's watch sounds louder during this time at night. Staying up until two in the morning was a normal occurance for one of his closest friends, but when Kuroo graduated high school and moved out for university, he knew it would be long before he could see his friend again.

It was him who gifted Kuroo the watch that was sitting on his dresser, exposing each passing second with a tick. If Kuroo really wanted to, he could send a message to his friend right now, knowing that he would be wide awake playing a video game or playing live for his growing audience to watch.

Kuroo reaches over for his phone and opens his conversation with Kenma. I'll probably be interrupting his stream, he thinks, then chucks his phone to the other side of his bed when he gives up.

Then, a cold breeze from the balcony enters his room, sneaking under his covers and further disrupting his attempt to fall asleep. With an irritated groan, Kuroo pushes off his bed and walks out of his room.

The living room is small, just enough for one student. He thought about having a roommate, but then he remembered that he often spent entire nights awake and preferred to keep to himself — there's only one person Kuroo would room with, but he hasn't graduated high school yet.

Cold tiles press against his feet when he walks around the couches and towards the balcony. As he slides the door closed, something in the distance catches his eye. He blinks and ignores the weird sensation, but when it happens again, a bit more brightly this time, he looks to investigate.

He opens the door and steps out. The cold air wraps around his body, having forgotten to throw on a shirt before leaving his room. He doesn't mind it — he even raises his hands over his head, exposing more of his skin to the chilly breeze.

This part of Tokyo is a bit quieter than where he grew up. It was one of the perks that came with living on campus, but even after his first semester, it still didn't feel like home. Nothing could compare to the lively streets he grew up on.

Kuroo looks out over the campus. Even though the main square and pathways are empty, the surrounding buildings are still lit. He didn't know that the campus library was open after hours, seeing that it was now nearing three in the morning.

The large windows expose the few people inside. Kuroo knows he shouldn't go, though the extra hours of studying could do him some good. It's not like he has any plans — sleeping was definitely not an option.

"I should review structure and bonding, but I also need to cover chemistry application of living things, chapter four to seven, and then..." he starts speaking to himself, a habit he acquired when he started living alone. His biochemistry program was highly demanding, and overtime, he found himself losing interest in the area of study. Working in management had been an idea, preferably relating to volleyball, but he needed more time to think about it.

Just when Kuroo is about to reach the bottom of his mental list, his eyes find movement. He stops talking and squints, studying the movement closer and picking out the shape of a person walking straight towards the library.

When the person nears the light, Kuroo is able to see them more clearly. It's a girl, with a backpack and a textbook cradled in her arms. He thinks that she shouldn't be out this late at night, and he finds himself watching her walk across the entirety of the square — just in case something bad happens to her, he thinks, I can be a witness.

On the other side of the square, you reach the library. You stop in front of the entrance, take a deep breath, and turn around. Your instincts are ringing, telling you that someone is watching, but you don't find anyone in the vicinity.

Then, you look up towards the dormitory on the other side of the main square. You find a figure standing on a balcony, with messy hair and watchful eyes. It's odd, having found the person watching you walk in the dark, but the smile he flashes you is reassurance that his intentions aren't bad. Not knowing what to do, you wave a hand before stepping into the library.

Now, the idea of leaving his dorm seemed even more tempting to Kuroo. He was bored out of his mind, with no ounce of tiredness in his body, and seeing you had piqued his interest and curiosity.

It didn't matter to him whether he studied at the library or not. He was going there to see you.

Kuroo rushes into his room, grabs his bag, and starts stuffing it with his notes and textbooks. The image of his doctor revisits him, telling him to lay down in his bed and focus on his breathing until he grows tired. All of those therapeutic strategies never helped him, and for the first time, Kuroo feels okay with that.

𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 • kuroo x reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now