Chapter 2

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I couldn't breathe. When our eyes connected my heart stopped. He shot me a smile. The most perfect smile ever. The most perfect lips. The most kissable lips. He continued playing with what I could only assume was his family.

"Come on" Caitlin nudged me out of my thoughts.

We quickly slid into the pool.

He was wearing black and red shorts without a shirt, showing off his toned body. I just wanted to fu--

“you’re staring" Caitlin warned me. I blushed and looked away.

He had dark brown hair that he flicks when he comes out of the water. When he flicks it he flicks it in to his face and pushes it in the wrong direction. I get goose bumps every time he does that, which is a lot.

He also wipes the water out of his eyes inwards. His body is toned and he's quite tanned. And then there's his eyes. The most beautiful eyes in the world. My favourite part of him. The most amazing shade of blue. I feel like crying every time I see them because the thought that those irresistible eyes can look at me make me feel special in a way. I feel like his eyes look into my soul. His eyes are perfect.

He flicked his hair and pushed it in the wrong direction again making goose bumps appear on my skin. He was amazingly sexy. But a guy like him would never go for a girl like me; he's too perfect to even think about me. I'm sure he has many girls lined up waiting to go out with him, he probably has a girlfriend, I'd be shocked if he didn't.

But either way he couldn't give a shit about me. I mean why would he. I'm nothing special. Not like him, he perfect. He wouldn't even give me a second thought. Though it doesn't stop me from wishing he would. It's all I could ever want he's all I could ever want.

All too fast he hoped out of the pool and left with his family. I felt myself die a little inside. He can't leave. What if he's not staying, what if he's just visiting. No I can't think like that I have to stay positive.

I waited about five minutes before I suggested to Caitlin that we leave.

We quickly dried off, stuck our clothes over our togs and rushed out to see if we could find the boy.

We were rushing around camp to see if he was anywhere, we were just about to give up when something stopped me. I looked at a tent that I hadn't seen before today and sure enough there he was with his family. "Caitlin!" I whispered "there he is" she turned to look. He looked a little different his eyes were still incredible but his hair wasn't the same he looked hotter, but in a different way. His hair was a little bushy (but in the hottest way possible.) We now know where his tent is. "Let the stalking begin" I mumbled.

And that's exactly what we did. We casually walked around the camp just happening to pass his tent. Now before you go judging what else were we suppose to do, we were never going to see him again anyway. Maybe if we hadn't done this I wouldn't have gotten so attached and things would have been different. Very different.

We saw him grab his towel which was blue with pictures of bubbles and the word splash on it and head off to the pool. We ran to our tent to grab our stuff. "You girls have to do the dishes" my mum said.

"Muuuuum" I whined "can't we just do them with the dinner dishes

"Ok" she sighed "let's just hope there's enough"

"Thanks mum, love ya" I replied as we ran towards to pool with our stuff.

When we got there he was in the pool so we quickly rushed into the changing rooms to get changed. Thankfully we had left our togs on underneath out cloths, so all we had to do was take off our cloths and put our rash shirts and board shorts on.

We hoped in the pool a safe distance away from him. He was even more hot and perfect than I remember him. He gets hotter every time I see him. He’s just so perfect. How could he be so perfect? It's not human. He flicked his hair again making my heart pound about a million beats a minute.

"Matthew, gotcha" the boy said to a younger boy with pale skin blond hair and dull blue eyes. The boys voice, it was perfect, I could listen to his voice all day long. I know I refer to him as perfect a lot, but that's because that's what he is, perfect.

"Hey that's not fair you’re older than me" Matthew complained. They mustn't be related, not only do the look really different like the hair and different skin tone but Matthew had a different accent it'd either be American or Canadian.

"Where do you think Matthews from" Caitlin whispered to me obviously noticing the accent.

"I don't know either American or Canadian probably" I replied

"Most likely American, everyone’s from America nowadays" she laughed

"Dylan, where are you going?" the perfect voice asked

"I'm leaving, are you or Matthew coming?" Dylan asked

"Yeah I guess" he sighed

Dylan must be his brother he had blue eyes, not a spectacular and his brothers, light brown hair and tanned skin.

When they left Caitlin asked "how old do you think they are?"

"Well Matthew looks about seven or eight, Dylan looks about 9-12" I replied

"And the hot guy?" she asked

"About 16" I sighed.

"Yeah he does look about that age" she confirmed

"Still the hottest guy on earth" I giggled

"Absolutely" She agreed

It's true he was the hottest most perfect guy on earth, even thought I only just met him I know he's perfect, absolutely perfect.

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