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Zolina 'Zo' Smith
[ wed, nov 23rd 2:08 AM ]
Town Square Apartments

Zolina 'Zo' Smith[ wed, nov 23rd 2:08 AM ]Town Square Apartments

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"My friends are goals, your friends are foes. We fly, why cry, our souls exposed, yeah. We smoke, we laugh, your stress, my stress..."

Zolina sang along quietly to Beyonce and Jay-Z's 'Friends', as she sat on her bathroom sink with Ace in front of her again.

This time she was tending to the cuts along his knuckles, while he was licking water droplets off of her neck. Her hair ended up getting wet again, from the second round of sex that they had in the shower.

When Zolina had told Ace not to fall in love, she was really talking to herself. If things continued on this track, she knew that it would be inevitable. She already liked him.

Ace checked off all of the right boxes; he was handsome— and sexy. He supported her art and made her feel safe. Not only did he charm her with his words, but he showed that he cared through his actions.

And now, there was amazing sex.

Though she didn't regret a single second of it, she was now left dealing with the consequences.

'I'on do the whole relationship, feelings, fallin' in love type shit. Ain't my thing', were his exact words.

So... What the fuck are we doing?

"Can I ask you sum'n?" Ace's deep voice pulled Zolina from her thoughts. "And you'n gotta answer, I'on wanna fuck up the vibe."

She chuckled to hide her nervousness, "What's up?"

"How many dead ends?" He asked quietly. "With... Findin' your birth mom?"

Zolina blinked a few times, not at all expecting that question. Did she think that Ace had forgotten about her depressing story? No. But did she think that it had been on his mind enough to wonder that? Hell no.

"Eight." She answered calmly, using medical tape to secure his wrap.

His jaw clenched, "That shit ever get easier on you?"

She shrugged, "I mean, there were a few that didn't phase me because I knew I was just being naive."

When Zolina was younger, she used to obsess over certain traits that she assumed her mother would have. She would go through an entire list of women who's names started with 'Z', or those that loved art and music like she did.

Even when she was wrong, she was still hopeful.

"As I got older, I really buckled down on it. Got to know them, built relationships. Some even went as far as a DNA test..." She paused, reliving memories. "Um. Those were harder to deal with."

"I'm sorry." Ace let out a deep sigh. "I'on wanna pry, but if you ever wanna talk, you know I got you, right?"

"I know." She tried to ignore how her heart sped up from such a simple statement. "Thank you."

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