Chapter 5

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All they had was visual for five hours. They watched the asteroids drift around them and watched for the Lugorn security fleet. There had been an interesting interplay of hot and cold. The Lugorn star, although bright, was small and not particularly hot. It did however keep the Starstrel warm longer than expected, and although the slow rotation of the vessel was annoying, it evenly distributed the star's warmth, but after five hours, Bryn ordered life support and core systems back online. They had not seen any sign of the Lugorn vessels since dropping the core plasma and scrap metal. They must have assumed that the Starstrel was destroyed as was the plan.

Billi set to work with the passive scanners. "Nothing, Captain Golmo," he said. "System security have bugged out."

"Everyone keep an eye out," said Bryn, pushing up his console.

More information would come in as data began to feed the scanners. Jones also set to work at her console.

"Come with me, Jones," said Bryn and made his way down one deck. Here he ushered her into a small meeting room and closed the door behind them.

"Drink?" he asked. "I've seen you drink and eat. You don't rest much."

"No thank you. I told you, I am a human cybernetic. I need the same sustenance as you, but I can make do with less for longer if need be."

Bryn poured himself some tea. "Mind telling me more about yourself? I don't know if I have ever met a human cybernetic before."

"Certainly, Captain. I was born six years ago..."

"Born?" Bryn queried.

"Came online, became conscious. I was not grown, but I had to learn as does a child. I am still learning something new every day."

"Your body?"

"I am flesh and bone, like you except that my bones are a metal alloy and most of my organs are bio engineered."

"Most of them?" said Bryn

"It is a little complicated. Parts of me are... donated. My brain is part donation, part bioengineered, and part manufactured."

"Incredible. Are you sentient?" Bryn asked.

"Are you?" she responded coolly.

"Of course."

"How do you know?"

"I think," said Bryn.

"So does a basic waste computron."

"Do you have feelings?" asked Bryn instead.

"Again, do you?" she countered.

"The gun shots you took. They didn't seem to hurt you," he said.

"They hurt very much. Pain is just a recording of physical damage. In my mind I can replay that pain in every detail. I feel pain, but I can control my reaction to it."

"How about emotions?" asked Bryn.

Jones did not answer. She blinked.

"You blink," said Bryn. "I mean, when you blink, it seems forced."

"I have full control over every aspect of my bodily functions. I can regulate my heart beats and re-channel blood flow. I can manipulate my endocrine system, producing more or less hormones. I blink when I decide to blink." She blinked.

"You said that you learn. You seem to know a lot about my ship and my crew. You handle the science station well. Do you learn or are you programmed?"

"I learn. I started school at the age of three months."

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