Chapter 4: Dinner with Crystal

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"So. What? You're bailing again?" Johnny probably wasn't as upset as he sounded. But the drama could be fun.

"Not real early," Jared responded, ignoring the attitude. "Just like, maybe 4:30 or so. Taking Crystal out for dinner and drinks tonight. I don't want to be late."

"Ok by me. Let's just get this level finished. I don't want to be stuck here all night messing with it." The programming had been going smoothly the last few days. They had just about finished the puzzles and backgrounds that made up the game. "So where you takin' her?"

"I thought we'd hit the steak house out on 96." Jared spoke as he continued tapping at his keyboard. "After dinner I'm taking her to Over the Rainbow for drinks, maybe some dancing."

"The Rainbow. I know the place. Never been."

"Yeah, I get it. You just gonna sit in the corner and stare at people, it's not your kinda place."

"Exactly my point, my friend." Johnny knew no shame. "I just need a brass rail, a big mirror, and a bottle of scotch. Then I'm set for the night."

"Sounds like a night at the Winchester." Jared smirked.

"I'd like that, dude." Johnny perked up. "The Winchester sounds like my kinda place!"

"No doubt," Jared stated, matter of factly. "I don't doubt it a bit. But Crystal enjoys a night on the dance floor, so the Rainbow it is."

"Ha ha," Johnny chuckled softly. "My kinda place."

They both turned back to their monitors and continued with the project at hand.


"So he's actually taking you dancing?" Jackie seemed doubtful. "He must have done something horrible!"

"Cut it out Jackie," Crystal complained. "He's trying to make up for all the late nights. We haven't been dancing in ages, I think it's a great idea."

"So where are you going?"

"For dinner, we're going to the Longhorn."

"The Longhorn. Really?" Jackie wasn't impressed. "He's taking you to a meat parlor?"

"No Jackie, he's taking me to a steakhouse!" Crystal took a defensive stance. "Maybe it wouldn't be my first choice, but the food is good and afterwards we're going to the Rainbow."

"Oooh, dancing at the Rainbow. Like I said, he must have done something terrible!" Jackie's smile let on that she was just giving her friend a hard time for the fun of it. "Let's see what you're wearing."

"Follow me!" Crystal commanded as she turned and headed for the bedroom. She swung the closet door open, reached in and pulled out a black dress.

"Little black dress!" Now Jackie was impressed. "Spaghetti straps, nice touch. He'll be sorry he ever crossed you!"

"For cryin' out loud Crystal, cut it out. He didn't do anything, he's just that good."

"If you say so." Still smiling, Jackie continued poking Crystal. "Just don't come crying to me when he suggests a three-way."

"In your dreams girl!" Crystal tossed the dress on the bed and pulled a pair of heels out of the closet. "F-Y-I. You won't be invited."

The discussion turned to shoes, stockings vs. pantyhose, how to properly accessorize and, eventually, what to order and how different orders would be interpreted.


Sarah and Marianne made their way down 4th Street barely talking. Sarah usually kept her searches to Saturdays, but having Marianne by her side made her feel a renewed sense of purpose. An infusion of energy she wouldn't have thought possible. Together the two prowled the 1800 block of 4th street like two cats on a mission.

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