Chapter 9 - Weird feelings

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Alexander's pov:

-"Everyone, this is Alpha Alexander, the Alpha of the famous Silver Dawn Pack, son of the great Alpha Phaethon!" Alpha Leonard standing next to me said proudly, introducing me to the other Alphas. The room was big with a long table in the middle; probably this was the pack's meeting room. Alpha Leonard pointed to me the chair at the head of the table while he sat on the one beside. Everyone else was already sitting around the table. I pulled my chair and sat down.

-"Sirs, I feel extremely satisfied to see so many Alphas here tonight" I said gladly.
-"You know the appreciation we all feel towards your pack and your family" Alpha Leonard commented.
-"I know and I am grateful for that!" I replied and continued "As you all know, we have gathered here today under one goal, to exterminate this monster that for years now has been destroying whatever he finds in his path. This monster is none other than Alpha Bartholomew of the Black Shadow Pack. He took our lands, our wealth, our freedom, our wives and children, he took everything from us! And for these reasons he must die" I said with trembled voice. I was emotionally charged as I've lost my parents, my pack, everything because of him and his sick ambition.
-"Bartholomew isn't an easy target. Killing us is the least he can do to us!" one of the Alphas commented.
-"Yeah!" they all shouted in unison. I made them a signal to stop and quiet immediately prevailed in the room.
-"I know that's why we won't attack him directly. I have a plan on how we achieve our goal, but I warn you it is extremely dangerous and risky."
-"Whatever it is, you know we will be with you until death come upon us!" Orestes, one of my closest friends reassured me.  I gave him a wide smile and continued explaining my plan.

When the meeting was finished, I headed to the basketball court eager to see Elektra again. I know that she is my worst enemy's only daughter but I can't stay away from her. I can't explain it but I feel a strange pull to this woman. I know I'm not her mate, but I still cannot ignore the sparkles I feel when I touch her or the strange way her presence makes me feel. I have all the symptoms of having a mate yet strangely my wolf doesn't recognize her as such. If I was not so busy I would search it a bit, but at the moment unfortunately I cannot. Maybe when I find the opportunity I will visit the Elders and look for answers. The Elders are the oldest wolves of the biggest packs gathered in a big mountain. They live there in small cabins and can solve any problem as long as you reach them because the route to them isn't only difficult but dangerous.

I got in and scanned the whole area to no avail. Elektra was nowhere to be found. A feeling of emptiness and vainness overwhelmed me. My heart ached. I looked at my watch which pointed two after midnight. It was time for me and my pack to go. I couldn't keep searching for her anymore. It was time to call it a day.

Elektra's pov:

When Alexander left, I stayed out for a while admiring the beautiful sky. Several minutes passed when I decided to go back inside. I found our table and sat down. I was feeling very upset to go dancing or chat with the others. After a while of drinking alone, David came and sat next to me.

-"Where were you?" he wondered in concern.
-"Outside" I replied loosely.
-"I was looking everywhere for you!" David said in frustration.
-"Why? What did you want?"
-"I thought you've left" David explained.
-"I would never leave without you, you silly!" I reassured him giving him a toothy smile.
-"I'm sorry. I got scared" David said ashamed.
-"Scared? Of what?" I asked.
-"Of you betraying us" David confessed lowering his head in shame.
-"I would never betray you or any other member of my pack. You know that. Don't you?" I reassured him.
-"Yeah...yeah I am sorry" he said and bowed his head. I took his hand and told him in a serious way: "David, apart from our parents' plans for us, I want you to know that I deeply appreciate you. We grew up together and we shared many good and bad moments of our life! I would never do anything to hurt you!" I confessed to him.
-"I know that and I feel the same about you!" he said putting his hand over mine. We stood there staring each other for a few seconds when a girl interrupted us asking David to dance. She was tall, thin and very beautiful. She wore a light blue maxi dress that matched her blue eyes. Her hair was blonde tied in a beautiful ban. David gave me a questioning look as if asking for permission. I gave him a nod of approval; he got up and left with the girl. After that, they did not separate the whole night. Something tells me that this girl is probably his mate. I am very happy that he found her at last! I knew how much he wanted to.

I stayed there all by myself. Although many men asked me to dance, no one managed to convince me to get up. My mind, my body, my soul was desperately searching for him, for Alexander.

I just stood in my place, looking around, watching other people dance, talk, drink and have fun. They all looked carefree and happy as many of them managed to find their mates. Some of them were members of my pack. And this suddenly started to trouble me. We needed to find quickly an excuse to explain to my father and the others how these members found their mates. Obviously we couldn't tell them the truth. I had an idea about this.... I just had to think of ways to imply it...

I waited for Alexander for about one and a half hour. Unfortunately I couldn't wait any longer. We had secretly sneaked out from our pack and if we stayed a little longer outside we would be noticed not only by the border guards but apparently the whole pack!

Although I knew Alexander wasn't my mate I couldn't help feeling sad and empty due to the fact that I didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye to him. Who knew if I would be able to see him again and when.....? Every time I saw him, something inside me was blooming and my soul flooded with a feeling of completion and confidence. Finding the right words to describe the way this man made me feel was very difficult.

Although I was unhappy, I had to think about my pack. That was my first priority. I found David and together we informed via mind-link, all the other members about our upcoming departure. In ten seconds we were all gathered outside the entrance of the basketball court. After making sure we were all there we started our return journey.

An hour and a half walk and we finally reached outside the eastern borders of the pack. It was about three after midnight. I knew that in half an hour the border guards would change shifts so we waited hidden in the dense vegetation. We only had ten minutes and everything had to go according to plan if we did not want to be caught.

When the guards' shift took place, we took the opportunity to enter the pack premises and together we carefully headed towards the main area. I quickly made my way home. I went in and tried to climb the stairs as quietly as I could. I entered my room and when I turned on the lights I was surprised to see someone familiar sitting in the armchair waiting for me.

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