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      "A very long time ago, magic did not exist outside of the gods. Elves were swordsmen rather than magic wielding. The humans were no different than today's non magical ones. The half-elves were outcasts, even more so without the great ability of a magic gift. The other races were much different as well, without magic, strength was very important, unlike today's much weaker versions of the others.

    One spring's day, 24 of each of the races, 12 male and 12 female of each race, gathered to worship the gods. This day, they all asked the gods if they could have magic, as it would make their lives much easier. The gods agreed to their request. They bestowed 6 types of magic to them, with each race having 4 of the same type. The types were Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Dark, and Light. Their hair colors changed to correspond with their magic type. Their eyes became their favorite colors, as a bonus gift from the benevolent gods.

    When they each had their children only among the same type, this began the pure-bloods. Their children were born with the color hair that matches their future magic type, however the magic didn't manifest until the ages of 5 to 10. Their eyes changed from white at birth to whatever color is their favorite at the time.

    Over time, there was not only pure-blood. There was half-blood and mixed-blood as well. If you were pure-blood, it meant you were 100% of one type. If you were half-blood, it meant you were half magic and half non-magic, although magic is dominant over non-magic. If you were mixed-blood, it meant you were a mix of different types of magic.

    With the rise in mixed-blood over time, there were mutations that occurred. These mutations were new types of magic. It went from 6 original, to now hundreds of types. While there are still pure-blood, many magical beings are mixed-blood.

    The magic was a blessing, and helped the lives of many. Today, magic is less needed due to the advancement of technology, but it is still amazing to have around.

    The original magical beings created a school to teach their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on the art of magic and how to use it. It was possible and encouraged to learn spells and other tricks outside of just the ones you are born a master at. This school is known worldwide as SEMA, or Secret Education of Magical Arts. There are many located all over the world, hidden right under the non-magicals noses.

   Many non-magic humans today do not know of the existence of magic, nor of the other races of beings. It is our job to make sure the ones who don't know,  and will start war if they find out, remain not knowing. Very few are trusted to learn the magical secret, and have children with the magical.

   This has been the basics of magical history."

  The history book closed.

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