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Gaius continued to wake me up, but all his efforts were futile. For there was no sign of movement around Zainab.
Abruptly Gaius started having feelings of remorse and guilt was now written all over his face. He wished he didn't exert more force in trashing Princess Zainab.
Now, She can't wake up. I don't even know if she is still alive. Her mother, the former queen was very nice to me when she was still alive.
Queen Rose was a good and upright woman, a woman filled with wisdom, chastity and compassion, she treated all her subjects very well.
And he paid her back by treating, her only daughter in this way and manner. He remembered the incident that took place twenty-one years ago. When he was still a boy and was just newly employed in the castle.
His mother Freya was not well at that time and was almost at the point of death. And Gaius was the only child the woman gave birth to.
He saw it as a responsibility to care for her. But he didn't have the money that was required for her medication.
The famous physician Alexander required twenty gold coins for the treatment, which was a large sum of money at that time.
And Gaius could not afford the money, due to his monthly income of eight gold coins.
So Gaius had no other option then, he had to visit Queen Rose and ask for a loan from her. That she could be deducting the money from his salary until he was done with the payment.
And to think of it, he has always been a ruthless guard. He has killed a lot of people in battles. Including women and children.
And he has killed a lot of werewolves and mermaids in the last battle they had in the Midlands. He was so fearless and brutal in battle.
Though he was a mortal, he was a soldier and a well trained one at that. He didn't have a single drop of compassion for anyone, apart from his mother, Freya.
It was his capabilities that were the reasons why King Frederick raised to fame and power. He was just a mere servant when he newly entered the royal household.
But he later followed his dreams to be a soldier in the king's army. He joined the army eventually.
There was guilt and grief on his face and also remorse. After all the good things Queen Rose did for his mother when she was alive. This was how he paid her. It wasn't good at all.
What if Zainab never wakes up he wouldn't forgive himself. What will he do to resolve the situation, Gaius wandered away in his thought.
Lydia on the other hand was preparing the food she was going to give to the princess Zainab, when she was done she arranged the dishes on a tray very carefully.
She decided to sneak into the dungeon, she was careful enough not to wake up anyone, because she knew the penalty. If anyone was to see her, her head will be chopped up from the stables according to the king.
She tiptoed in order not to make a single sound, she was still lucky because was never caught on her way to the dungeon.
Just as Lydia was almost at the dungeon she was given the shock of her life, when she bumped into Gaius at the entrance of the dungeon.
She accidentally fell, throwing the tray of dishes on the floor. She was trembling and shivering as well on the floor, she was short of words because the fear was written all over her face.
She began to wonder what her fate was going to be, of course, Gaius would report her to the king and her head will be chopped off in the stables. The penalty awaiting her is death.
Slowly, Lydia opened her mouth and decided to beg for her life, even though she knew it was a waste of time. For she knew Gaius was a man who had no sympathy for anyone.
"Please Gaius, I beg of you, please pity me. Don't report me to the king, I don't want to lose my life. I will never bring the princess food again, I promise. Lydia was pleading as hot bitter tears fell from her eyes running down her cheek.
"No, Lydia on the contrary, I am sorry for inflicting anguish on the princess."
"I have never treated anyone right in my entire life before, for I have been so cruel, mean, and heatless. I have never loved or cared for anyone except my mother."
"Just imagine, how I am treating the first princess of this household. How could King Frederick treat his flesh and blood this way, I thought he loved Zainab's mother."
"I will never be used as a tool to make the princess feel more miserable, rather I will stand by her and put a smile on her face."
"One day, I still believe the princess will find happiness and peace someday. And I hope she will also forgive me For any way I have treated her badly."
"But right now, I have been trying to wake the princess up, but all to no avail, I don't know if she will still survive this ordeal. She has fallen into unconsciousness."
At this point, Lydia stood up and ran into the dungeon, she knelt in front of Zainab who was lying down unconscious on the floor.
"My child, what had happened to you. Please wake up, I can't afford to lose you. Lydia began to weep and lament as well."
"This is not a time to cry, but a time for a solution. I suggest will meet the king and informing him of the situation. Before it gets out of hand, as you can see her pulse is getting very weak." Gaius suggested.
"Ok, I shall be on my way to inform the king right now," Lydia spoke and I ran out of the dungeon in a hurry. she fell twice while running out of the dungeon she got up immediately she was heading towards the King's chambers.
She could no longer hold herself, she was in a total state of dilemma. On getting to the king's chambers, she knocked on the door but no one answered. Only for a maid to direct her to the queen's chambers.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
A knock was heard at the door of the queen's chambers.
"Who is it?" Frederick asked in a magnetic tone.
"I am sorry to disturb your majesty, it is Lydia, your daughter Princess Zainab is not feeling fine. she has not been able to wake up from the dungeon ever since, so I thought it wise to inform you." "yes if she has not woken up why must you call on me? am I a physician? go get her a physician."
" You may release her from the dungeon, and seek a physician's attention. But mind you, you should not ask me for any money for her treatment because I will not pay." Frederick said as he went back to lie down on his bed. Lydia replied "thank you your majesty" as she left the door.

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