Chapter two

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I feel the sunlight streaming in the room through the window, tiredly I sit up, yawning and looking at the clock to see it's 6:35 am. I move the heavy cover off my legs and instantly cold air touches me, I almost curl up under the cover again, but instead I push myself off the bed to stand. I walk to the closet to pick out my daily outfit. Today I picked out a black strapless bra, black dress that goes about midthigh and the sleeves, and across the breast is see through lace, with thick black wrap around heels. As I put on the dress I hear a knock at my door, "I'm getting ready, did you need something?"

"I have your favorite food in the kitchen, come down soon," I heard my mom's sweet voice call out from the other side of the door.

I didn't answer again, but she didn't say anything again. I finished putting my dress on, put some black short leggings on then put the heels on, then brushed out my hair letting it flow into its natural flowy waves, then went to unlock my door. I walked down the stairs toward the kitchen, I stood outside the kitchen door yet again. I open the large oak doors and see my mom sitting across from my seat. I sit in the oak chair that I normally sit in.

In front of me sat a plate with a stack of pancakes, chocolate chip, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I looked up to see my mom having a kind of saddened look, she was happy but her eyes were glazed over as if about to cry. "What's wrong mom?" I said, looking worried. Maybe she's more nervous than me, I hadn't even thought about how I'm supposed to get my weapon.

"Nothing, you're just growing up so fast, you get your weapon today, next thing you know you will be working your life job," mom said as she wiped her eyes. Dad chose this moment to walk in, but as he saw mom he ran to her side and held her. He asked if she was ok in a low mumble and she had just nodded. I don't think she wanted to tell dad, and him make it seem like it's not a big deal. I gently picked up the syrup bottle, and poured some on the pancakes, not enough to make a mess.

I ate rather quickly, while taking sips of chocolate milk between bites. I would rather not see my brother right now, because I'm still mad at him for last night. He walked in a few minutes after I had finished, I got up to put my dishes away when my mom put her hand up to stop me. "Dear, it's your birthday, I'll put them away for you," she said, her voice kind of shaking. Everyone seemed to enjoy the pancakes mom made, but as Odius tried to talk to me I didn't say anything.

"Mom, I love you, but I can take my own dishes to the kitchen," I said, while walking to the sink. I put soap on the sponge, run water over it, and run some water over my dishes. I feel the bubbles of the soap running over my hands as I scrub down my plate, fork, and cup. As I was rinsing off the dishes I watched the soap wash from my hands and down to the sink. I turn the water off, dry my hands, then head back into the room with my family. 

As I walked into the room all eyes turned to me. There was a pressure for me to say something, but instead dad spoke up, "it's about time for you to get your weapon let's go."

As everyone loaded up, I looked towards my brother and said, "why do you get to see my weapon but I can't see yours? I don't want you to go"

He looked hurt for a second and then got pissed, "I want to see my little sis get her weapon, I have a right to not show you my weapon though," he yelled as his ice blue eyes shone like fire, a fire that could burn your soul.

My stone cold ice blue eyes fixed on his fiery blue eyes, neither moving. "Odius, just wait till she gets home, she will show you then," Mother's sweet soothing voice caught our attention, as we both snapped out heads in her direction.

"Fine!" he said as he got out of the truck and slammed the door, stomping off into the house. I fastened my seat belt then put my earbuds in listening to upbeat songs, trying to be happy as I stared out the window. As we made our way to the government building I thought of what the building could look like, and what would happen once we got there. When we got closer we saw this big building made of glass towering over us, it had railroad tracks coming from some of the sides several feet in the air stretching as far as the eye could see.

We parked as close as we could, which was only a few parking spots down in the middle. We walked pretty fast into the building, nobody saying a word until we were just inside the doors. "Don't say anything until they speak to you, and try not to be nervous," dad had said and I smiled as I took my ear buds out, silencing my phone, nodding to dad and nod saying I'm ready. We continued to walk into the building which was decorated nicely, as far as I could tell with the little view I had. The inside was white with a mahogany color on the wood areas, even the front desk was this color, which surprised me because on the outside it looks so dark.

As we reached the front desk I saw a young boy about 18, he had amber green eyes with wavy black hair that was flipped to the right. He hadn't noticed me as he looked at some papers in front of him, but as I was zoning out I hadn't realized my parents had said my name. I hurriedly snapped my head to the elderly woman at the desk as she was about to say my name. "you can go back, they have been waiting for you," the elderly woman said with an eager smile on her face. I looked over to see the boy was now looking at me, but then I saw him smirking. His smirk looked so cute, a mixture of bad boy rebel, and sweet lovable almost like a puppy.

I instantly looked away as my face slightly reddened, I let my parents lead me to a huge room that was dark, but I could still see. There were some people standing in the middle of the room, whispering quietly to each other, but they stopped shortly after we walked in. A man with a loud deep voice said, "Arethusa Aedon Damia, age 16, are you ready to know your life job? To train hard everyday?" 

I stood up taller, trying to appear less nervous as I said, "Yes, I-I am ready." It sounded more of a question than a statement, but they looked past it and the same man that talked to me, the person in the middle, moved towards the wall that I noticed was lit up around showing little boxes. He kneeled as he touched a square near the floor, the box opened up, and a small filing cabinet drawer shot out. He picked up what I thought would be a knife, but the guy from before walks up to the man. The man hands him my weapon, but before I could worry or say anything, the guy comes up and kneels in front of me holding up what looked like a toy scythe.

As I took it in my hand it grew with a burst of blue and white light. It was noticeably larger than me, it was at least a foot taller than me, but what caught my attention most was the engraving on the backside of the blade, it was a wolf. I stared awe struck at the weapon in front of me, it was a scythe, one of the higher jobs. My parents put a hand on my arm, which brought me back to reality, and I looked at the tall boy in front of me that was now standing looking down at me. He had the same smirk from earlier lingering on his lips, he leaned in as if to give me a hug and whispered in my ear, "I saw you staring earlier, did you like what you saw?"

With that my parents took me by my arms and walked me back the way we came. It was like they were in a hurry, like I would be cursed if I was near that boy. As if the scythe read my mind, it shrunk to the size it was when given to me. I put my earbuds in, fastened my seatbelt, and set off on our journey home, but all I could think about were those amber green eyes.

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