How he got angry

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Third Chapter

"Damon, what are we going to do with the girl?" Elena Gilbert, the epic love of the one of Salvatore brothers asked speaking through the phone.

"Just keep her locked up, ask her questions, torture her with some tickling feather until she spills out who sent her here, you know the process," Damon answered in his usual sarcastic voice. After he and Alaric found out that girl in the woods in abandon car, they decided to lock her up in Salvatore's Boarding house, so Alaric agreed to take her there.

Sighing, Elena accepted with small hesitation. "Fine. But if I don't find out anything useful, I'll let her go."

"Trust me, we'll need her." Damon smiled at himself, somewhat proud of his finding. That girl couldn't just happen to be there at the same time as everyone else. She had to knew something. And perhaps she even knew Kai.

"I hope you know what you're doing," said Elena before hanging up.

Thinking about random theories of that unknown girl really did help Damon to slightly fix the mood, but as soon as he heard that irritating boyish voice across the border, his mood fell back on and he didn't waste any more time to hesitate before throwing a middle-sized rock towards Kai's way. Of course it didn't hit Kai since he was tied up from the other side of the gravestone, but still it helped Damon to get rid of some anger.

"So this whole antimagic thing, is it like a... Like a dome or a bubble?" As soon as Kai asked the question, the other (this time even bigger) sized rock flew towards his side. Kai grimaced, but still felt very amused by whole situation, which was very unusual to see. He should have been more concerned, everyone in their right mind would.

But Kai wasn't everyone and Damon and the squad were just at the beggining of finding how unique he truly was.

They fought lots of bad guys, but this one... This one was different. In annoying way.

"Like, say, you were in 747 flying over Mystic Falls, would you die?" Kai asked, but not waiting for any answer before he quickly continued with his rambling. "You know that could be dangerous, like if you're headed to New York and your pilot reroutes for weather-" Thud. Another rock flew over, this time much closer to Kai's hand.

"How's this? I kill you, and when you're in hell, you can ask a bar full of dead travelers, who cast the damn spell."

"That's a lot of travelers," Kai interjected. "Must be a pretty big spell."

And as soon as those words left his mouth, Kai cocked his head, his eyes narrowing darkly as if he remembered something that was standing right under his nose this whole time and was very important.

"Like a really big spell," he mused, a snisiter smile forming on his lips. "So big... It covers every inch of an entire town." He pushed his hands deeper into the ground as he looked down to see if there indeed was any magic. His smirk grew wider as soon as he felt the magic slowly feeling him up. He missed that feeling, the power he yearned for.

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