When your bestfriend says something stupid

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How not to: Your an awful piece of shit I fucking hate you your a faggot *Walks away*


How to properly: Today I have learned a lesson. Never in my life have I once had a friend who would say something so arrogant. But today that has changed. My friend you have made a mistake a great one. You just said *insert word(s)* to me your friend and most likely the only friend you will ever have in your entire life. Based on what you just said to me


You can't even begin to comprehend what you have broken in are relationship. I don't even remember why we became friends in the first place. Maybe it's because I didn't know you were like this at all. But you have changed. You have turned your back on me. I feel betrayed. What have I ever done to you? What have I ever done to make you say such an awful thing to me.


This is the final straw I don't want to ever see you again in my life you are a disgusting monster.


Pfffft....I need to use this on Mikela

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