Chapter 2

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emptiness; it's a feeling like no other, a black void inside of yourself that will never truly be filled. For you, that void was becoming deeper and deeper, yet a light was lit within that void when you had come across Isabel and Furlan, they saved you and for that, you would forever be grateful to them.

We all stood in front of the stone building that you presumed was your soon to be home for a short while, the air was cold and heavy though you thought that could have just been your nerves making you hyper-aware of your surroundings.

Isabel turns towards you with a nervous appearance on her face "right...uh, I'm not too sure what Levi is going to be doing currently, sooo let's just go in quietly, k?" 

they both allowed you to enter in first probably because if Levi came out he'd murder you instead of them...

you slowly and quietly stepped into the house, much to your surprise the whole house was spotless like actually spotless you swore you could see your reflection on every surface of the room. You continued further into the room ensuring each step was quiet but obviously, with your terrible luck, there was a loose floorboard that when stepped on made an excruciatingly long creak.


a short figure emerged from behind a door in the back of the room, you couldn't quite make out any definitive features but it was clear this person was very pissed off

"if its the time you said you'd be back, then I must be fucking tripping" the voice called from the shadows

"Ahah...Levi...well we kind of ran into a little incy wincy bit of a problem?" Furlan laughs nervously while Isabel eyes the ground

Isabel shot her head up and looked Levi dead in the eyes " LOOK! I COULDN'T JUST LEAVE THEM" 

Levi cocks an eyebrow "leave who-?"

he spots you standing there awkwardly and eyes you up and down

Levi walks out of the shadows so he is in full view, allowing you to see what he truly looks like; he was short, like incredibly short for somebody who looked to be in his 20s, he had black hair that was cut in a sort of longer version of an undercut and his gaze was cold but piercing. the way he looked at us was as if he was the taller one here.

you take a few steps back from a counter as Levi gets closer, he rests his hand on the counter and presses the other one against his head "god not only do you bring back some random child, you forgot my bloody tea!" 

"wait what-" Isabel says, immediately looking toward the shopping basket "oh...sorry but-"

"just, forget about the tea...for now" Levi says tilting his head and then turning his gaze once again to you "what's with them? and ugh why are they so dirty"

you hadn't really noticed how torn up and muddy your clothes were, maybe you didn't actually live in this place and had come from afar, though with your small figure and the fact that you were alone made the possibility of that seem highly unlikely.

"well..." Isabel looks over at you with a pitiful gaze "they were about to be sold off to the military police"

she sighs and takes her gaze off of you and takes it to the floor

" me"

huh? like her? wait- was she nearly kidnapped too?

"oh- right, okay" Levi said showing slight emotion on his usually expressionless face

Levi lifts his hands off of the table and folds them over his chest "not that I want them here or anything but do whatever you want Isabel" 

you could tell he understood her desire to help, though, he himself could not bring himself to admit he felt really pitiful for you as well.

Levi proceeded to walk over to you placing two hands on your shoulders, he pushed you indicating he wanted you to go somewhere you understood that and continued as he pulled you along

"here" he said

"what?" you replied

Levi kicked the door open with his boots and inside was a room with wooden floorboards same as the rest of the house and an old-looking bath

"pfft clean yourself for god sakes" he says while shoving you inside and slamming the door shut

isn't it weird to just bathe in somebody elses house?  how do you even work this thing?

you pulled and twisted the tap in all different directions in hope of getting the water out but there was no luck


you swung your head to the door as it was opening, in peaked auburn coloured pigtails followed by the rest of isabels head

"Just checking in" she flashes a warm smile at you  before noticing you inside of the bathtub with your sleeves pulled up yanking on the tap

"I-" Isabel puts her hand up to her mouth and starts giggling, she fully enters the room closing the door behind her just until it leaves a small gap

"you push, not pull" Isabel says reaching for the tap and giving a strong look of 'how the fuck are you this dumb'  

your face beams red after having realised how idiotic you looked god why did you try everything but pushing the knob 

"Thanks..." you said trying not to look her in the eyes

Isabel turns around before completely leaving the room "need anything else?"

"clothes maybe?" you ask 

"sure" Isabel says leaving you to go look for some clothes

you let the bath fill up and start to remove all of your clothes and undergarments, out of fear of the water being too hot you let your body slowly get used to it bit by bit. You sat in the bath knees pulled up to your chest

to be honest, life didn't exactly feel 


maybe it was just the random and unfortunate occurrences that have happened so far

or more the fact of having no memory whatsoever


why me?

the hot water submerged your body and you slowly slipped away further into the bath, the last thing you felt was a tingly feeling across your face as it went under. Though the bath was as shallow as could be it felt to you as if you were sinking into this deep abyss...

"Eren!!" a voice called running up to somebody

"Mikasa, I'm glad you're safe," the boy on the ground said embracing the girl into a hug

"y/n? you good?" both ask turning to you?

y/n? huh?

something didn't feel right, there was this dark and uneasy feeling in the air

what is going on?



ahh, I have been procrastinating writing this chapter for a while now but I finally got it done!  I don't think I'll have an exact posting schedule but I will try to at least post a chapter once a week

I usually write in class instead of doing work so there might be things here and there that don't make sense or just grammatical errors. feel free to leave a comment for me to correct anything if you spot it




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