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Pan across the floor of the Red base. Cut to Tucker Will and Ava  watching Simmons working on a console. Wash walks up.

Washington: What is all this?

Simmons: It's the future.

Tucker: Where the hell have you been?

Washington: I've been doing everything I can to keep us alive.

Tucker: Oh really? Then where were you when Freckles tried to kill me for calling his tiny hat stupid!?

Ava: It is kind of a good hat.

Tucker: No it's stupid.

Will: I think it might be stylish on Freckles.

Tucker: It's stupid how many times do I have to say that.

Will: Freckles almost killed you for saying that. The only reason your alive is because Delta stepped in when he did.

Washington: I thought you didn't need me protecting you, Tucker.

Simmons: Hey, guys. I'm trying to revolutionize the world of inter-canyon communication. So if you could keep it down that'd be great!

Washington: What is he talking about?

Simmons: I'm talking about... the internet!

Simmons stands up and reveals the new "Simmons" search engine.

Computer: Welcome!

Tucker: Oh my god! Everybody leave! Everybody leave right now! There's something I've gotta do.

Ava: You're disgusting.

Tucker: I have human needs I have to do and I need the Internet.

Washington: The internet?

Tucker: Seriously. You're gonna see some shit if you don't leave.

Simmons: Well, it's not really the internet. The only two points of communication are Red and Blue base.

Tucker: (disappointed) Why would you lie to us like that?

Tissues and Vaseline are seen in the background behind Tucker.

Ava: I thought you lost most of that when the ship crashed and I thought I destroyed wheat was left.

Tucker: I have stashes besides I wouldn't need the Internet if you destroyed my only magazine. It wasn't that bad.

Will: The only reason Ava destroyed it was because Caboose found it.

Ava: We do not need him corrupted yet.

Tucker: It only had one picture.

Washington: You put one of these at Red base too?

Simmons: Yeah. I had to sneak past Freckles but it was totally worth it.

Washington: Why?

Simmons: Behold!

Cut to the "Basebook" homepage.

Washington: Basebook?

Will: Is this a Facebook rip off?

Simmons: Yeah. It's a site that lets you post pictures, videos and even text posts so that your friends always know what you're up to. It's revolutionary!

Washington: Revolutionary? The first social media sites were created hundreds of years ago.

Tucker: And there are no friends in this canyon. Only forced acquaintances.

Red Vs Blue season 11 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now