6. Ben

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The doorbell rang. Nick tried to get out of bed, trying to not wake Charlie. God he's cute. He opened the door and immediately shut it again. The doorbell rang again. Nick sighed and opened the door. "What do you want Ben."

"I was walking and I saw your house so I thought i'd spring by to say hello." Ben smiled.

Nick scoffed. "Uh yeah no. Goodbye."

"Nick? Who is at the door- Ben?"

"Charlie? What are you doing here?"

Charlie scoffed. "Uh, I live here. What are YOU doing here?"

Ben was very confused as to why Charlie and Nick were living together.

"He's my husband, we're married for 5 years already. And you don't know that cause you weren't invited to our wedding and we blocked you on all our socials. So do us all a favour and don't bother us again." Charlie shut the door in Ben's face and sighed. He looked at Nick who was just staring at him. "What?"

Nick hugged Charlie and picked him up. "You're amazing, you know that, right? You just told Ben off!"

Charlie smiled. "It was time for him to know to just not come in our life again."

Nick smiled and kissed Charlie. "you're amazing!"


Charlie took his coat and his keys. "Nick! I'm going over to Tao's!"

"Have fun!" Nick screamed from the kitchen. "Food will be waiting for you when you return."

Charlie hesitated by the thought of food. Nick realized the silence wasn't right. He appeared out of the kitchen and saw Charlie's face. "Or not. You don't need to feel pressured to eat if you really can't eat." Nick stuttered. He felt like he fucked up.

"N- no I wanna try. I need to." Charlie smiled with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Oh Charlie." Nick hugged Charlie who started sobbing in Nick's chest. "It's alright. I'll be by your side the whole time. I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you." Charlie said, still wiith his face in Nick's chest."


Charlie walked out the door, waves Nick goodbye and shut the door.

He stepped in his car, tried starting the car but it didn't start, so he decided to take a stroll to Tao's house.

"Charlie!" Ben waved and walked over to Charlie who deeply sighed. Not him again.

"What do you want Ben."

Ben chuckled. "Ooh, why are you so hostile. I haven't done anything."

Charlie scoffed. "YOU haven't done anything? YOU? Ben Hope, the guy who humiliated me in high school? Please, keep your little lies away from me. I'm finally happy, married with Nick, and have a good life. You keep your little miserable life away from me."

Ben's face got serious and he grabbed Charlie's shoulder. "Your life is not as bright as you say it is." he grabbed Charlie's arm. "Your arm is the same as it was five years ago." he chuckled. "You still have an eating disorder and by the looks of it you just cried before you left your house. Don't tell me your life is perfect."

Charlie chuckled. He wasn't gonna let Ben control his life again. He learned from his mistakes. "I might still have my eating disorder, and yes, it might be worse, but at least I'm not letting that take over my life. I'm trying to get better. I'm trying to eat. It might not always work, but I'm not a quitter. I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not gonna let you control my life again. Goodbye Ben."

Charlie shoved Ben aside and walked away. He overcame Ben. He accomplished something. Ben isn't gonna control him anymore and that made Charlie happy. He was gonna tell Nick about this.

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