Chapter#1 (Birth & Freedom)

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It was the time after Earth Came in Picture, when earth was made...God left numerous Creatures on Earth including Warewolf,Demon,Vampire,Human and Monsters... Everything was fine until one day Vampires wanted to Empower Warewolves, whereas Warewolves wanted to win over Demon's and About Demon they wanted to Rule over the World, that was the only time when even Devil (Kali, Asur or Ravana ) was helpless, they had no power over Demon's as they were numerous in order...

Things were still under control somehow,Until Vampires Called for a war with Warewolves, Even Warewolves didn't back off, they were already looking forward to it, and now hearing about the war from Vampires, was giving them two benefits one that they were not the once who called for a war, second that they can ask for favours from God...

Every and each creature want to own the other one, they wanted to Empower each other and in their thirst for power, thirst to make other's their slave and thirst to rule the Earth...

Somewhere in Universe...

"Why sudden Arrival Agni (the messenger of God)..? Is everything fine..?" Goddes Parvati asked the man who just arrived out of nowhere Infront of her...she was sitting with lord Shiva and as usual Lord Shiva was sitting under the tree with his eyes still Closed...

"My lord, pardon to disturb you..but the matter was important to discuss..." The messenger of God (Agni) spoke, as he bowed his head a little Infront of Shiv, who opened his eyes after a couple of minutes...

He lookest at the messager and nodded indicating him to Continue...

"My Lord, you and I know what is happening on Earth...My lord things are getting out of hand, Now we can't hold them back more then we already are.!!" The messenger delivered the lastest message he got from the savers of the earth...

While Lord Shiva was still Calm, he didn't showed any commotion but Goddes Parvati was in Dilemma as she doesn't know what will be Lord Shiva's next Step...

"Fools..!! They are fools to underestimate their God, they are fools to underestimate me and my Powers..!!" Lord Shiva growled loudly at messenger, who bowed his head down once again, before shiv could take any step further, Lord Brahma appeared...

"Patience.!! Calm.!! Patience and Calm gives the Best Decision." Lord Vishnu declared, while Lord Brahma materialized there as well, following by other Gods...

"My Lord, what's the solution for the porbelms occuring on Earth..? How to stop the War..?"  God Surya (God of sun) asked followed by other Gods who nodded...

They all know Lord Brahma is meant to create, while Lord Vishnu is declared to preserve But Lord Shiva, Well he is Distruction...

"There is a solution.." Lord Vishnu smiled a he answered, followed by the others who saw he just appeared out of nowhere...

"What's the solution..?" Goddess Parvati asked the God of Fate (Varuna an avatar of Vishnu.) , while Lord Shiva was still Calm...

"A Creature.." Lord Vishnu answered while he moved his finger a little and created an illusion of future...lord Shiva smiled a little but Lord Brahma didn't showed any movement till he knows nothing about the Creature, Lord Vishnu wants him to Create...

"Yes..A Creature...A beast...A Vampire...A Demon...A Monster...A Warewolf and a Human...he will be the one with immense power, with an wholesome Courage,with an ruthless and Cold Nature, He will be made to Shed care, no affection and no Love will be made for him...he will be a walking Distruction...In words He will be another look of Lord Shiva...Power would be the thing he will Crave, he will rule over them, over all other Creatures...They are thirsty for Power but he... He will be thirsty For their blood, he will not spare a single person who will come in his ways, I repeat NOT A SINGLE PERSON WILL BE SPARED BY HIM...since he will be the one Wise...he will be brave...he will be strong as well as Victorious..his name would be VIKRAM..." Lord Vishnu declared his solution, and no wonder it was helpful for them,creating someone so different form the creatures that were on earth, will surely help them...

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