Foreign Code

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After showing Reaper the staff room with a coffee maker, and having a pleasant but heated (in Reaper's case) conversation about how there needed to be more coffee in this building Dream felt that his attendance had been a success.

He was readying himself for a well deserved break, however he was sadly interrupted by a surprise text from Ink: "

Ink: Error and Classic are going down to collect Goth's code samples...

Ink: You should go.


He texted 'ok' and that was that. Dream had never teleported so quickly.

But clearly he was not quick enough.

Dream was met with an intense scene. Error and Classic were at the door of the Afterdeath household. And Geno was keeping them outside the house. He was clearly not pleased.

Classic was desperately attempting to keep the two separated with direct touching them (that could be a death sentence for him if both were angry enough), his focus more being on Geno than Error.

Error looked shockingly calm luckily.

That would make this a lot easier.

"I am not letting this- this DERANGED outcode anywhere near my son!" Geno yelled, his singular eyelights glowing a concerning red and blue.

Classic seemed desperate, a familiar contrast from his recent display of himself, "Geno- please. We're here to help."

Error was of course unimpressed with this display.

"No please continue. I can go. Not like I want to help your dying kid from well- dying."

"Y-you!" The dying Sans could not even finish the sentence, there was an overwhelming mix of emotion present in Geno's expression. Anger, indignation, surprise, sadness.

Error turned on his heel ready to straight up leave before seeing Dream and sighing dramatically.

Dream stepped forward with all of the poise and control he could display, "Error, please, let me handle this."

Dream directed his eyelights on Geno, sympathy joining into all his features, "Geno-" he sighed.

"You've brought a DESTROYER into my au and I AM the problem!?"

Error made a 'tsk' sound in the background, "I'm not the only one here with a history in destroying au's"

Those complicated emotions began to meld into something unstable and desperate.

Dream would be lying if he said he wasn't concerned.

"Geno, I promise you everything is under control. Error has agreed to help our cause and has put his-... destructive tendencies to rest for the time being."

Error made another 'tsk' sound in the background.

"Under control?! What if he snaps?!He's crazy" Geno argued.

"He's not the only one." Error mumbled.

"Both of you! Stop it!" Classic snapped suddenly, "this is ridiculous! Geno- you know better..."

Classic's face was also sympathetic, be it also held something along the lines of disappointment and grief. The feeling of missing. Like something- or rather someone had already been lost.

Geno's eyes welled up with tears, but he refused to let them fall. He refused to look Classic in the eyes.

"Error is here to help Goth." Classic finished.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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