17. Plans

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Jimmy made the best point ever.

Kay was so happy to have Kyle back, she hadn't even thought what would happen after they finally found each other. Was Donnie still knocked out behind the dumpster? Had he gone home to rat her out to her parents about a potential new boyfriend? Would they whisk her away again? No way was she going home alone to give them the chance.

Then there was the whole point of Kyle still actually being fake-engaged to Jessie and being on tour and having to leave if they wanted their plan to continue. And Kay sure as hell didn't want to hurt Jessie. Not after she was the only one sensible enough to out the fake engagement. Not when she was looking at Jimmy like that.

Kyle stiffened a little at Jimmy's question, tightening his hold on her hand. "First thing, we're taking a DNA test."

"You really think I'm your brother?" Jimmy asked, tilting his head.

"I'd be shocked if you're not. And if your brother looks like Sam like Kay claims..."

That was so weird. And the more she thought about it, the weirder it got. Except for one thing.

"They did abandon you, too..."

"That was different," Kyle said once, his eyes still on Jimmy. "I was left with Max and Maman, and honestly grew up much better and happier than I would have in that house. But to randomly give up one twin twice to..." He faltered.

"Yeah, Tom and I are orphans," Jimmy said with a shrug. "We weren't even put up for adoption but dropped into an institution with only each other."

"Now that's fucked. And as much as I think that my parents are a bunch of morons, this seems beyond them."

"Okay, we'll take the DNA test. Tom, too. I'm very curious about this."

Kay was curious as well, because what the hell was going on? Her mind went to Max's cryptic warning about the danger Kyle was in, about skeletons coming out of closets. Was this part of it? Were Jimmy and Tom one of his family's many secrets.

"What are we going to do about the tour?" Jessie asked, her voice small.

"I'm still thinking about that," Kyle said, looking to Kay this time. "What do you think?"

That he had the most gorgeous dark blue eyes and she'd missed him so much, but she knew that was not what he meant. "I'm not sure. Donnie just became an issue again. Do you think he's still knocked out behind the dumpster?" she asked Jimmy.

"I don't know. Everyone takes a different amount of time to come to."

"You knocked Donnie out and tossed him behind a dumpster?" Kyle asked. "Damn, now I really want you to be my brother. Which is weird because I really don't like Jerry."

Jimmy grinned at him and Kay felt a sense of relief that him and Kyle seemed to be getting along.

"Who's Donnie?" Jessie asked, looking from one to the other.

"My douchebag ex," Kay supplied. "But yeah, he'll probably rat me out to my parents again, so who knows what will happen."

"Then I'm going to put running away from home on the table." Kyle looked at everyone in turn. "All of us, really."

Jimmy shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere without Tom."

"I obviously meant Tom, too."

"And Angie maybe?" Kay said. "Though for her... Well, all of us would be dropping out of school."

"Except me," Jimmy said.

"We can always resume our studies later. We can only run away at the perfect time once."

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