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Upper Leadworth, 2015 AD

The familiar whooshing sound reached the kitchen. Amy immediately knew what, or more of, who it was. She turned to her long haired husband, "It's them. It has to be them."

Outside, the Tardis parked herself in the middle of the front garden. The Doctor stepped out landing his boot right on Amy's perfect peonies. Lauren trudged behind him, "Christ, you can't do anything without ruining it." Her fuming stopped once her eyes focused on her best friend that she hadn't seen in so long. "Rory!" She shouted running over to him.

The Doctor stood watching their interaction. He spoke up over Lauren's squeals of excitement, "I've crushed your flowers."

Rory released Laurie from the hug and glanced down at the crushed petals, "Oh, Amy will kill you."

"Where is she?" the pair asked in perfect unison.

A pregnant Amy came bouncing out of the door to greet her old friends. Lauren couldn't resist from running up to her, "Christ! You're pregnant! There's going to be a tiny pond!"

Lauren stood in front of Amy bouncing on her heels, too scared to actually touch her. The Doctor followed right behind, ignoring everything Lauren just said. His eyes landed on Amy's stomach, "You've swallowed a planet!"

Amy tried to clarify, "I'm pregnant."

"You're huge."

Lauren knocked the Doctor's arm, "Stop saying she's huge."

The timelord looked between Rory and Amy, "Look at you two. It's been five years and neither of you have changed a bit. Apart from age and size."

Amy hugged the Doctor and Lauren, "Oh, it is so good to see you two. Still travelling together then?"

Before Lauren could respond the Doctor interrupted, "Amy, are you pregnant?"

The Ponds caught their friends up on everything that has happened in the last five years. Nothing much happened for the Doctor and Lauren, they continued to travel around and get into trouble, the major bit was how close they've grown in the process. They walked around the tiny village without much of a plan. After all, it is Leadworth, not much to do or see. Being there for five minutes had already begun to bore the Doctor and Lauren.

"Leadworth. Vibrant as ever," the Doctor said breaking the silence.

A smile grew on Rory's face before he could even get the words out. "It's Upper Leadworth, now. We've gone slightly upmarket," he said still beaming.

"Oh wow, you two have moved up in the world or Leadworth at least," Laurie said trying to catch up with the Doctor. He always had to be in front, but the moment she caught up he grasped her hand. "Where is everyone? We've been walking for awhile and I haven't seen anyone else," Lauren said.

Amy began to explain how quiet Leadworth is and the acclaimed "health benefits" that come along with it. The Doctor and Lauren didn't quite buy into it. Neither of them would ever last more than a day here, probably even an a few hours. The pair remained a little shocked that Amy survived, considering her adventurous nature. Lauren shrugged it off, but the Doctor not so much. The four of them sat down on a random bench. The Doctor sat between Amy and Lauren leaving Rory to hang off the end.

Without much notice, the Doctor slung his arm around Lauren's shoulders. As if it was second nature, her body gravitated towards his.

"Well, we just wanted to see how you two were doing. You know me. I don't just abandon people when they leave the Tardis. This Time Lord's for life. You don't get rid of your old pal the Doctor so easily."

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