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Friday, 13th of May 22

Dear Diary,
I uploaded my story today,
I called it 'A live in a world where life is not welcome'
but I dont think nobody will ever see it :(
But i dont really care to be honest...

I was feeling more emotional than normally today,
I guess high sensitivity never leaves you alone...

I found out that on certain days,
other aspects are easier to notice,

On wednesday it was hearing,
on tuesday fairly much,
and today it was just being emotional and smelling...
Like I never fucking new how smelly that damn bus is!

I dont feel to well,
Mum isn't gonna be home too soon...
My siblings are still not home and I feel lonely,
wait! The doorbell just rang! Maybe mum is home?
I am so exited!

bye bye~

Oh Hun,
Business is hard,
and you know your siblings are busy too:

I am so sorry

I'm gonna be home soon,

Mom <3

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