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Wednesday, 12th of  May 22

Dear Diary,
Today was a stressfull day, like actually.
I went to class like normaly and well... it was L O U D...
Like I've told you before I am high sensitive,
I was able to hear all conversations at the same time, had the information in my Brain and
it was dang stressfull.
Like literally.

I've had a story idea while I was in my
english class:

What if I write a story about a person that is
High Sensitive just like me, but not in the
real world just like in the dsmp?
I can just imagine it being a total
Nightmare because of the whole stress,
the noise and everything.

I think I'll start tomorrow,
since I'll have to do some homework.

Bye :)

Aww man Lilly,
That sounds awfull always having to listening to
every conversation :(

The whole story Idea is so cool!
I will totally read it!
Please write no no, text me if you started it :)

Do your homework,
see you later,

Mom <3

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