The Strange Boy

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Ariana POV

Me, Maxie, Lyric, and Ellie were walking in the hallway. "How was your coding class~" Ellie said wiggling her eyebrows. "Shut up!" I yelled, walking backwards, "ARIANA!" All of my friends shouted, I was confused on why they shouted my name but then knew why a few seconds later. "AHHHH!" I said falling, well almost falling not until the strange boy from coding class caught me from falling. "Are you okay?" he asked, "I-I'm fine.." I stuttered..WHY AM I STUTTERING?!

 while I was in my own world this strange boy decided it was a good idea to drop me on the ground since I'm fine. "HE-" Ellie yelled but I covered her mouth "Do you want to get in trouble again?" I whispered angerly at her.  She took a few minutes to calm down, I looked behind me to see Lyric and Maxie on the floor laughing about what happened to me. While looking at them I saw Robert with his friends glaring at me..Why? I don't know? 

I was biting my lip while looking at him..Why does he look so mad? *RINGGGGG Me and my friends jumped "If i get a heart attack because of this bell I won't be suprised" Lyric said clearly mad. "ARIANAAAA!! HURRRYYY UPPPP~" Maxie was whining again for me to hurry up. "I hate science! IT'SSS SOOO BORINNGGG!" she whined while we were heading to class, " I KNOWW!" I said but stopped in my tracks..Since when did strange boy and Robert take science class?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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