crush x reader: a sleepover pt. 1

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DISCLAIMER: your friend (F/N) in this story is a boy so i hope you people have guy friends
also, F/C/N means "Friend's crush's name" sorry if they don't have one :(
this will be a 2 parter!

F/N: hey Y/N! i'm having a sleepover tonight at like 8:00. B/F/N is also gonna be there, wanna come?

Y/N: sure! i'll be there soon :)

F/N texted me to invite me to a sleepover. I haven't had one of these in a while. Especially not with F/N, since my parents never trusted me with guys. I didn't feel that way about him though. "MOM! Can i go to a sleepover at F/N's house? B/F/N is gonna be there!" I yelled across the house. "When is it?" She yelled back. "8:00, his parents will be there too." I said. I tried to convince her to let me go, since I already said I would. "Fine. I'll call you when it's time to pick you up." YES! Phew, mission accomplished. Now i just need to get ready and pack.

"I'm ready to go, mom!" I run out of my room and meet my mom by the door. We exit the house, enter the car, and drive to F/N's house. I was actually excited, since I get to spend time with my friends. I'm just hoping they won't be annoying.

We reach F/N's house. I say bye to my mom, and knock on the door. I see B/F/N and F/N sitting on the couch. But, i hear a muffled "C/N can you go open the door for Y/N?" What. He didn't tell me C/N was going to be here! "Oh! Hey C/N. F/N didn't tell me you were gonna be here." I say. I really didn't expect it, since C/N wasn't super close to F/N. I guess they were closer than i thought. "Hey Y/N/N! Welcome! F/N didn't tell you I was gonna be here? Weird. C/F/N is here too, if he didn't tell you that either." C/N said. No, he didn't tell me. I rush over to the couch where my friends were sitting. I whisper to F/N, "You didn't tell me C/N was going to be here!" "I didn't? Oh well. What's the big deal anyway. I glance over to B/F/N, who was giving a wide grin. She knew that C/N was going to be here. She probably was the one who invited him! My thought gets interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Great, who is it now? F/N rushes to the door and welcomes a group of other people. "Welcome! Make yourself at home!" F/N says. Ugh, now it's a party. Random classmates are going to ruin the fun for me. F/N whispers to me, "Sorry Y/N. They basically invited themselves. I'm too nice to say no." I knew that was a lie. From the time we've been friends, I don't think he's been that nice. "Something's up. I know you wouldn't invite this many people. Is there some game that required a bunch of people? If so, i'm not playing." I say. I knew something was up. "Of course not..." F/N says, looking away. I roll my eyes and go with it. I'm supposed to be having fun anyway.

Suddenly, I hear F/N announce, "Guys! Listen up! So, i have an idea. Let's play spin the bottle!" I hear murmuring among the many people here. F/N gets a bottle ready and i'm pulled into the circle by it. I was already flustered by the idea. "Alright! Everyone here? Someone start to spin the bottle." F/N says. I was sitting by C/N and B/F/N. C/N whispers to me, "Who are you hoping you land on?" Crap. I haven't thought about that until now. All i could think about was that C/N's legs were touching mine. "Uhm...i haven't thought about that yet." I respond. C/N could tell i was nervous. Instead of comforting me, he scooted closer to me so that our arms were touching too. "Someone spin the bottle already!" A random classmate announces. "Fine, I'll spin it." C/N says, still touching my arm. He spun the bottle, then put his hand on my leg. I think he thought it was his. "And it is....Y/N!" I slowly look back at C/N. He had a wide smile across his face. "Looks like they might need some time alone...." B/F/N says. The whole circle started to laugh, but C/N looked dead serious. "Well, let's go!" C/N grabbed my hand and took me to the closet. We both went inside. "This isn't 7 minutes of heaven. It's just spin the bottle. All we need to do is kiss." I say. I don't know how I managed to get a sentence out, since I was too flustered to even move at my own pace. I looked away. "I know! It's just weird with everyone looking at us, you know? Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable." C/N says. I felt guilty. "You aren't! It's fine. I agree though, it's weird with everyone looking at us." I say. I tried to maintain eye contact. "Well...want to kiss?" C/N says. "Sorry! I was just distracted. Yeah! Uhm, let's kiss!" C/N chuckled, then leaned for the kiss. He grabbed both sides of my face and pull my closer. I load my hands on his shoulders and leaned in. My hands and face had a mind of their own at this moment. I didn't know what to think, except "Kiss him." After a couple seconds, C/N backed away and smiled. I smiled back, my grin making my eyes close shut. "We should do this again sometime." C/N said. He winked. My face probably went as red as a tomato. I laughed and we both got up. I fixed my hair and we both went back into the living room, where the bottle was. "You guys took forever! 2 more couples already went!" F/N says. "We aren't a couple!" B/F/N says. "Who'd you get paired with?" I say. "....F/C/N." I laugh and sit down by her. I knew she liked him. C/N sits by me and gives me another wink. Great, now he'll flirt with me the rest of the year. I wouldn't say I was opposed to the idea though...

Time went on, and eventually everyone went. It was pretty fun, to say the least. C/N flirted with me a couple more times. Some classmates kept looking at us, as is they were waiting for C/N to make a move. People are nosey, don't ya think?

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