Dear Laura

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Dear Laura,

Laura-bear! Oh, love, I'm gonna miss you sooooooo much! You and our little Carson! Aww, tell her her daddy loves her so much! Loves for both of you!

I truefully have no idea how to start this and what to say. I wanna say so much, but I want it to be good.

So I'll start from when I met you.

From the start, the 20 questions and the truth or dare, I knew you were better then you made yourself look. Better, way better actually. God made you perfectly, for me. I beat myself up because I can't be with you. That I can't kiss your scars and dance with you in the rain. That I cant tell you its gonna be okay when things were going wrong. I just wish you knew that its gonna be alright.

I feel terrible.

Anyway, lets think of something happier... Lil Carson was the best thing that happened through our time together... I love her.

Things are gonna get better for you, I can just feel it. Your kidney stones will hopefully go away, and things will get better with your parents. Hopefully you'll find a guy that could give you everything I couldn't.

By the way, I listened to Irresistible by One Direction. I feel the same way.

I'm getting to emotional, so I might have to stop.

I won't forget you and Carson.

Love always,

Kethien xoxo

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