63) Babysitting

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Clarke adjusted the baby girl in her arms, walking out of the med bay and hearing the door slide shut behind her. She didn't know why her mother always offered to watch her patients' babies if she knew she couldn't be reliable about it.

Now being a prime example when some idiot shot himself in his own damn leg because he forgot to turn on the safety and her mother had to rush into surgery, leaving her to babysit. She'd really have to give Bellamy a good talking to about that. The other guards seemed to listen to him, so maybe they'd pay attention if he actually taught them about gun safety.

"Some people are such idiots, aren't they?" she cooed down at the little girl-Lila-staring up at her with a confused look, like she wasn't so sure of this strange woman she'd never seen before looking down at her.

Clarke pushed the impromptu diaper bag over her shoulder and headed towards the exit of the Ark where she could sit with her friends and share the burden of minding an infant.

"How about we go outside for a walk, huh? Your Mommy and Daddy won't be back for a few hours and Abby is a little busy, so you'll just have to settle for me."

But apparently Lila didn't like the sound of settling for anyone because she started to squirm in her blanket, little fists grabbing at Clarke's shirt.

"Come on," Clarke soothed. "I thought we were going to get along, Lila, hmm?"

A few civilians passing by gave sympathetic smiles to the fussy baby and she returned the gesture despite the diaper bag beginning to slip from her shoulder and a squirmy three month old in her arms.

Lila's brown eyes wrinkled shut, pink lips parting in a whimpering cry.

A little pit of panic settled in Clarke's stomach and she took a deep breath. You can do this. She's just a baby. You just need to find out what she wants.

"All right there, Princess? You look like you've got quite the handful."

She looked up from the little girl whose cries were growing louder by the second, fingers digging into her shirt, and saw Bellamy just coming out from the hallway that led from the guard's headquarters.

"Yeah my mom needed me to babysit for a few hours." Lila let out a low wail.

He actually looked clean for once, his grey t-shirt devoid of usual dirt and stains. His face was even clean enough that she could see his freckles, and his dark hair curled against his tanned forehead.

Clarke glanced down and felt a blush creeping up her neck when she realized that Lila had tugged her shirt low enough to expose the top of her bra. She pulled it back up while Bellamy coughed and looked away.

"You know, she's hungry," he said once she was done, closing the distance between them. "That's why she's doing all the. . ." He waved his hand in a vague gesture around her chest. "Yeah."

Clarke paused, trying to keep ahold of the baby despite her kicking. That actually made sense, why hadn't she realized that? "I know. I was just heading outside to feed her."

"Isn't it a little cold outside for her?" Bellamy asked, eyebrows raised.

She huffed out a breath. Screw him and his ideas that actually made sense. "Then where else am I supposed to go?"

"You and your mom have a room in the Ark, don't you?"

Lila was drawing attention now, her shrill cries echoing through the hallway.

"Yeah but-"

"Do you mind if I-?" Bellamy reached out for the baby, waiting for her permission with an expectant look.

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