2 'Jewlery store pt 2'

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POV: Jason when he bumps into you later in his civilian identity.


I walked out of the pawn shop, extremely proud as I counted the money I had made.

'I had almost gotten caught last night, no I had gotten out, I probably would've been caught if Robin hadn't of been so easily distracted. Granted I am very good at distracting people. Still, I should be more careful, if it happens again I highly doubt Robin or whoever else will be so easy to distract. I shut my eyes as I continue to walk. Robins probably told Batman what I look like or he might remember and then if I get seen by him again I'll surely be arrested. Stupid Robin and his stupid fluffy brown hair and stupid brown eyes that I just wanna stare at all day long (AN: Ik Jason Todd's eyes aren't brown but the character in titans are.) and stupidly addictive smile and irritating voice and- why am I still thinking of him honestly, now he's stuck in my head I ha-'

I had been cut out of my thoughts as I bumped into a young man around my age with cute fluffy brown hair and stunning brown eyes. Before I hit the ground I felt an arm wrap around my waist, catching me.

"I am so sorry sir, I wasn't looking where I was going and didn't see you." I rambled quickly putting on a persona and moving away from him.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either." He stated looking at me.

Something about him seemed awfully familiar, I didn't know what but I was not about to stand around and find out.

"Uh, so I'm going to Uh go now so..." I murmured moving past him.

"Wait Uh, why don't I walk with you? Make sure you get to your destination safe." He offered, grabbing my arm.

"Oh, that's ok- its the middle of the day so I doubt anything could happen now." I politely said turning to him.

"I insist, you can never be too careful, there's been robberies and Murders around here." He insisted.

How did he know about that, it couldn't possibly of gotten out yet, unless... no... although they do look similar...

"What are you uh on about, no there hasn't silly! Besides I can handle myself." I laughed inwardly cringing at myself.

"Well" He began leaning close "I also kind of want to."

I felt a genuine blush seep up my cheeks as I felt his warm breath on my face. I could hardly think. His eyes drifted to my lips then back to my eyes. I quickly snapped myself back to reality as I came up with a plan.

"Alright, you can walk with me..." I murmured biting my lip and doing my best siren eyes.

He let go of my arm as we walked side by side. Purposefully I walked towards the Jewellery store from last night.

I saw the police surrounding it, they seemed to have only recently gotten there as they were still putting the crime scene tape around the area.

"Woah, what happened here?" I asked in fake shock.

"Remember how I told you about the murder and robbery I mentioned?" He whispered leaning close.

"Mhmm." I mused walking towards one of the cops.

I tapped one of the cops on the shoulder.

Jason POV

I watched as the girl walked towards one of the police officers and struck up a conversation. She seemed extremely familiar and despite the personality differences there was a very huge chance she is the same girl I saw in the Jewellery store while I was on patrol yesterday. However before I can do anything about it I have to be sure. I would have hoped we could talk more whilst we walked and I can get her to slip up but instead she stayed fairly quiet.

I do have to admit she is a fairly pretty girl and maybe, if I am wrong about her being who I think she is I might ask her out.

She stops the conversation as she walks back towards me smiling.

"Come on let's go!" She smiled.

Y/n Pov

"What was that about?" The boy walking with me asked.

I shrugged as I continue walking. I walked into an apartment building. I walked up the stairs to the apartment I wad living in and grabbed the key which was inside a plant pot. I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"You wanna come in?" I asked.

"Uh- sure." He said walking in.

I smiled closing the door.

An: imma make a part 3... do you guys want me to make a separate book of this?

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