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Here it is. The last chapter(:

Also, please listen to the video on the side ---->

Please enjoy TGWHI for one last time(': *sheds tear of joy/sadness*

I would greatly appreciate if you read the A/N and the end. Thank you<3



Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things that we could be

But, baby I've been, I've been praying hard

Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars

Yeah, we'll be counting stars

How ironic, right?

This was the song I woke up to on my fourteenth birthday.

This summer has flown by quickly: preparing for high school, messing around with my friends, not to mention the daily visits with my unconscious boyfriend.

Yup, that's right. I'm no longer sensitive when someone merely mentions the name of Will. I hope every day, praying that this hope I hold onto will get me nowhere but a dead end.

"Hello? Earth to Val," Brooke questions, waving a hand in front of my face as I snap out of my trance. It turns out when my mother took me out shopping a couple of hours ago, it wasn't only an invitation to buy new clothes for high school, but to distract me from Nick and I's surprise party which we were currently now attending. We had already gotten past the "happy birthday" portion of it and now we were taking turns opening presents.

"Oh," I blink and grin sheepishly, taking the present from my best friend, "Sorry."

Brooke smiles sympathetically, knowing that it's not unusual for me to space out randomly. After all, I'm still recovering and not completely back to my normal self.

"Here this is from Quinn," she says softly as Quinn moves to stand up and stand at my side.

"Hey," he smiles, "I hope you like it."

I smile back and quickly read the card, then hurry to open the gift. Inside is a small snow globe, cool to the touch. I automatically feel myself become stronger as I realize it's actual snow.

I grin at him," Thank you so much!"

He winks, "No problem. The tiny thing is like a mini freezer. If you push the button, the snow obviously swirls around but you can just control that yourself."

I shoot him a smile, "I'll be sure to show you later."

He shoots me a grin and disappears back into the boisterous crowd full of all of my guests and Nick's. Not to mention the Elders have also decided to attention along with all of our sorcerer and sorceress friends. Our house is currently decorated in many streamers, balloons, and other decorations, not to mention Nick and I both have separate cakes on the counter in our kitchen. It's so surprise my own mother baked them.

I'm currently dressed in warm summer clothing since it's only the end of

August and I'll be starting as a freshman in exactly a week from today. I'm wearing a pair of turquoise jean shorts, a flowered covered tank top, and white high tops.

I finish opening all of my presents, placing them in our vacant dining room and get back to my party.

My mother, of course, objected to holding our party in the backyard because of her garden and one of the inhuman herbs a human could accidentally get their hands on.

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