You Mean The Best

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Elizabeth's (normal) P.O.V

"And so I joined the Sins," Escanor finished his tale, his glasses now back on and with them went all the muscle. All the inflated ego. The now scrawny student released a sigh as he glanced away, expression distant. "However, pride seems to be the reason for discord once again... It seems that all pride can do is create arrogant fools."

To that Merlin chuckled slightly, a look of softened understanding resting on her features as she regarded her fellow Sin. Something that was oddly fitting since she was the one who'd picked Escanor up after his grand fall. The one that had helped him to understand who he was before anyone else did. 

Perhaps that was why Escanor was so bashful towards the elusive Merlin. But something told me there was more behind it than that. Something personal.

He just looks at her in a certain way. His arrogant, prideful self even seemed to waver when within Merlin's presence alone - something that was clearly not common for Escanor. He appeared ashamed of his strength and it seemed like he found it as a burden more than a helpful tool. But with Merlin he was more skittish than usual and regarded her so fondly. He was always seeking her guidance and approval.

"You're too hard on yourself Escanor. Pride isn't just arrogance, it's also certainty and confidence," Merlin smiled, a hand on resting on the Lion Sin's shoulder. It was an attempt to cheer up the sullen student, while also staying to the point of the conversation. 

Carefully, the Senior then turned to address the rest of us, her expression as serious and to the point as ever. "But Escanor's right. Pride seems to be a main reason of discord among the students here. If you wish to tackle it, then we need a counter approach."

Merlin's words caused me to blink. A counter approach to pride? What could defeat pride when it fueled so many desperate and approval-seeking adolescents? 

Pride was something that was hard to combat unless you knew how to rid that pride. It was made up of people's beliefs and hopes. Their confidence. Things like that were difficult to waver and with the added pressure of numbers and the authority of the prestigious schools, persuasion would prove difficult.

But even so, what shocked me most was Merlin's use of 'we'. The fact that Merlin, who was as cautious as ever in her wording, chose to say 'we' after I'd offered to team up with the Sins. Something that she would not let slip if she had plans to work without me. So that only meant -

"You're really going help?" Hope builds within me as I glance at each of the remaining Sins, meeting with sly smiles and nods of approval. Every face I meet is fixed on the idea, its expression reflecting that in their own way as they show their support. As they show their faith in me. Complete and utter faith.

"Yes, princess, we're going to help," Gowther nodded, adjusting his glasses. "I believe it would be worthwhile and more in your favour if we did than didn't."

Ever the analytical one, he had to add in the chance of odds. Odds that are easily swayed during certain circumstances and yet are vital to the belief in a plan. Strange how something that isn't set in stone can seem so permanent and yet not be. It's interesting how it can seem so definite, yet was anything but.

"Not to mention that we have to get Captain back!" Diane grinned, somehow managing to give me a nudge and breaking my thoughts. She gives a wink as I blink, her pigtails swishing and actions showing nothing but happiness. Nothing but relief. "I'm so glad that you're talking to us again, Elizabeth. I was dying of boredom for the past few weeks!"

I smiled at that, understanding that I'd been a bit distant since a few weeks ago. But that was mainly due to quite a few things. Things like the Deity Society, guilt and royal duties. I didn't have much time to focus on anything else that much. In fact I was busy immersing myself in fixing what I'd caused that I'd ignored (but not forgotten) that I'd just blocked people out. People that were so kind to me and considered me as a friend. People that deserved so much better than to be caught in this mess.

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