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"Sage wake up already!"

"Fuck off!" the girl yells with her face buried in her pillows.

"Sage get up now! We've got to get going!"

"Maxxie I said fuck off!" the girl yells once more. All of a sudden her door bursts open.

"Sage get up! I need to go practice and then i've got to meet up with my mates. So hurry up!" the blonde boy says yanking the covers off of his younger sister.

"Fine." she groans. "I'll be out in a bit you fucking wanker."

Sage goes over to her closet and pulls out the first outfit she finds. "This'll do." she throws it on and brushes through her hair before leaving her room.

"Morning Maxxie? Ready to go?" She smiles to her brother.

"Why are you so fucking chipper now?" He asks.

Sage just smirks as she walks out the door, Maxxie following behind. The two walk until they get to Maxxie's studio. He is quick to get inside and slip on his tap shoes.

Sage sits in a corner of the room, reading a book she had put into her bag this morning. She's not really comprehending it at all, her eyes just graze over the words yet her mind stays empty.

Maxxie's phone rings, bringing Sage back into reality.

"Yup?" Maxxie answers.

"Hey, Maxxie. We need you tonight." The voice on the other end says.

Sage doesn't recognize the voice at first.

"Sorry, Bruv. Big, gay night out. You know, me and the lads." Maxxie tells him.

"The lads?"

"Yeah. I'm going to take them on a voyage of wonder and discovery." Maxxie says, still tapping.

"Fuck that! Look, Max, for Christ sakes! Maxxie can you stop f*cking tap dancing? I can't hear myself think."

"Sorry, Tone. Gotta get these moves. You know - for the show." Maxxie says, never ceasing his tapping.

"Tony." Sage thinks to herself. "What is that wanker up to now?"

"Do they have tap dancing in Death Of A Salesman?" Tony asks.

"It needs a number. I've always said that." Maxxie tells him.

"Anyway, meet me on the green before psychology."

"Got ya." Maxxie says before hanging up the phone and turning back to look at his sister. "God, I'm good." He smiles.

"Can we go now?" Sage asks.



"Here he comes, cock of the year." Jal says as the group sees Tony from across the green.

"So who's gonna tell him we can't go to the party?" Maxxie asks.

"It's not gonna be me." Sage says as they look at her.

"Shut up. Here he comes." Chris says.

"What you been doing in Poshville Towers, eh?" Anwar asks as tony takes a seat lying next to him.

"Broadening my horizons."

"Those girls do not do fickety fick with town scum like you. It doesn't matter what you can do with your muscles." Sage says.

"Maybe for you Sage." Tony smirks. "I say this world extends way beyond this field of dreams. And I want to see that world."

"What the fuck's he on about?" Chris asks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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