Season Finale: Day Of The Morningstar!

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A few months after restoring the Acme studios power and saving more lives, the Loonatics are once again enjoying some time off, Zadavia and even Kyp have arrived to see the Loonatics for a few days.....and even show Zadavia's new book: Night Under The Stars

Zadavia: Hello, Loonatics

Ace: Hey, Z

Kyp: *chattering*

Ace: Hey there Kyp. You seem a little bigger now

Zadavia: You've grown haven't you my little steed *strokes him* Isn't that right?

Kyp: *barks*

Deuce: Zadavia, it's great to see you again, old friend

Zadavia: You too, General

After some food, they gathered to read Zadavia's book, Night Under The Stars, after a long hour of reading which felt like forever, let's just say the book had an....interesting story

Sonic: *shock and fiddles with his fingers*

Slam: *drooling all over*

Rev: *gets weirded out because of*

Zero: *grins* My kind of book

Diego: *winces and gags a little*

Tech: What...inspired you to make this, Zadavia?

Zadavia: When i was younger i always loved reading romantic stories and dreaming of loving someone handsome and heroic

Sonic: And what about those...filthy beds?

Slam: What does snake mean by beds? *still drooling*

Sonic: *gives him the obvious look*

Ace: *reading then stops shutting his eyes whispering* Don't imagine Lex with...get that out of your head, Ace. Get. That. Out of your head.

Tris: Are you alright???

Ace: I'm..I'm good Tris

Zadavia: So, did you like it?

Lexi: *giggling* I think he likes it

Sonic: Obviously

the door knocks

Jericho: *enters* Hello?

Zadavia: *sees him* Hey, Jericho

Before Jericho even fully stepped into the room, Zadavia just walked up and greeted Jericho with her lips

Jericho: *kisses back* Hey there Princess

Zadavia: Hello *cups his cheeks* I'm so happy to see you again, i can never get enough ~of you *kisses him again*

Rip: *whispers* A mother figure...a princess...and also a cougar

Sonic: *confused* Cougar? She's an alien, not an animal

Rip: Not THAT kind of cougar, man

Sonic: What??

Ace: *chuckles*

Then to everyone's shock, while kissing, they heard Zadavia moan...WHAT??

Sonic: Uhhh, we're still here!

Zadavia: *stops* Oh! Um! I'm very sorry, Jericho...!

Jericho: What?

Zadavia: I'm lovestruck...sorry. Let's get you something to drink or eat

Sonic: *Meanwhile spoke* Hey, wanna know what my favourite part of both MT Volumes one and two were?

Jericho: Sure. I already finished it anyway. It's a great season.

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