authors note (soup important)

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guys guys GUYS.

you are all so FUCKING AWESOME.

it's that or I'm hype off candy (maybe it's the candy)

and I just got a brilliant idea!

So all of you know veins_of_history is my bestest friend ever (mainly because she's the first person who believed in this story) and that's why she is Caroline and Caroline gives me advice on how to write certain things. Also Caroline is writing a 5sos fanfic and even though I don't like them I would suggest everyone to check it out because Caroline is my bestest friend also her name is not actually Caroline.

Well would any of YOU like to be a Caroline?!

I'm not saying that you'll be Caroline, I'm saying you'll be mentioned AS A CHARACTER in my shitty book.

There's no problem since this is the final chapter and there is a kind of war thing going on or whatever. There has to be faces and places that participate in it and I'm at a somewhat loss! I need about 6 people to say yes. Just six. And then I'll need a description of your character and a name. I really don't care if you want to be a talking dog or another reason for Lucy to think she's tripping off LSD.

Just give me something to work with!

(50/50 chance you'll be mentioned in sequel)

(also be kinda cool if anyone wants to do this before April 29th, as I may not have wifi after that point. thanks!)

Dance Of The Dead // Andy Leo (RECONSTR)Where stories live. Discover now