Chapter 1

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"Reality is like a slice of cake. There are many layers with some being more material than others." Mr. Bardolf declares as he draws a subpar looking cake on the chalkboard. "The frosting in cake is similar to the inter- dimensional membrane found between alternate universes. Without this membrane realities would collide, which based on scientific theories provided by Dr. Won-Jun of dimension Alpha-7 and Dr. Perlman of Alpha-4 , would cause multiple realities to take place on the same spacial plane ultimately destroying the space- time continuum."

This class is so boring. His long lectures justify my choice to doodle in my notebook. Although, I am curious to see how far Mr. Bardolf can take this cake metaphor. I sit back in my chair and look down at the green linoleum floor. What a hideous shade.

"Antoinette Bisset, am I boring you?" Mr. Bardolf asks arching an eyebrow with a slight smirk. "No sir. Sorry, but please just call me Toni." I answer.

Antoinette, I always hated that name. Especially having that name in The Hub. Different dimensions also have different timelines and The Hub, which is the bridge between all discovered universes has some residents that are still living in the French Revolutionary period. They judge me before they have even truly met me. The Hub is an existentially diverse utopia or at least that is what the government would have you think. I am not trying to sound conspiratorial. There is a certain classism and hierarchy among all the dimensions that exist within The Hub. In fact the naming of dimensions is based upon a class system. Alpha dimensions are dimensions that discovered the existence of other dimensions. They are considered superior because without them The Hub would not exist and realities would still be separate from each other. Beta dimensions are dimensions that are technologically advanced or have magic, but have not discovered any dimensions. Gamma dimensions are just boring dimensions that were discovered by other dimensions, but have not accomplished anything out of the ordinary.

After being called out by Mr. Bardolf, I decide to tune into his lecture again. "The reason The Hub defies the theories made by Dr. Won-Jun and Dr. Perlman is because The Hub is a pocket dimension created by the magic and superior technology of several beta dimensions. Instead of having a thick membrane like natural dimensions do, The Hub has a semipermeable membrane that is easy to penetrate unlike normal dimensions." A few students chuckle when he says penetrates, but he ignores them and continues.

"Before The Hub, people from other dimensions could communicate with each other, but never see or visit each other due to the inter-dimensional membrane that protects dimensions from collapsing into each other. Through the Inter-Dimensional Federation's diplomacy and teamwork we were able to create a utopia where people from all over the multiverse can coexist and live together. In a sense, a perfect reality." Mr. Bardolf finishes with a disgustingly gleeful smile.

Ugh. What isn't perfect is that propaganda. It is infused in every class for every education level. I'm getting a little bored of it. Maybe, in regular dimensions, education is just as bad. I have never been outside The Hub. I mean I guess The Hub is beneficial for diplomacy and advancement between dimensions and it allows for mixed dimensionals like me to exist. You see my mom is from dimension Beta-78 and my dad is from dimension Gamma-6. My mother comes from a magical dimension with wizards, elves, and the rest of that fairy tale assortment. My father is from am unprogressive dimension that is still in Victorian times. My father claims it was love at first sight and cases like his are not uncommon. I trace the emblem of the Inter-Dimensional Federation, an image of two hands holding each other. I let out a slow sigh. Sometimes I find myself wanting to believe that this truly is a utopia, but it's a sentiment almost forcibly ingrained in me. I mean pro-Hub propaganda is everywhere from television to education to cereal boxes. I should really be paying attention in this class. It is likely that there will be a test on this next week. It's a confusing enough subject, realities and dimensions, I don't think Mr. Bardolf makes it any less so.

My ears start to reconnect to the lecture. "As you know, those born in the hub who are mixed dimensionals will never be able to visit their home dimensions. Does anyone know why?"

Several people raise their hands and nearly half the class turns to look at me. Annoyingly typical. Mr. Bardolf looks around the room like a child picking out which candy to eat first on Halloween. "Louisa."

She puts her hand down and answers with a mean smirk and her deceptively innocent voice," Inter-dimensionals would destroy reality since they are of multiple dimensions and that just isn't supposed to be possible outside The Hub. They are like ticking time bombs outside The Hub and a danger to—."

"Alright, Ms. Williams that is enough. As you know, there are inter-dimensionals in this very classroom and we would not wish to offend them." Mr. Bardolf says eyeing me. Ugh. What a bunch of pompous fucks. Louisa loves to flaunt her pure Alpha dimension blood and when with other Alphas she will talk about how she is a direct descendant of royalty in her dimension. I take my eyes off of Mr. Bardolf to get a good look at Louisa. Unsurprisingly, she is looking straight at me with a snootily raised eyebrow and pursed together lips. She is trying to convey to me that I'm trash and I should know it. I roll my eyes and look at the board, making sure I don't look down. I can't let her win. No. I can't give her the satisfaction of seeing how much she has hurt me. That little Alpha-1 bitch. She isn't just any regular alpha, she is from Alpha-1. The highest ranking dimension within the Inter-Dimensional Federation. The founder of it all, and she won't let anyone forget it. Especially not me, with my low-ranking Beta mother and my Gamma father. I am scum. I am beneath her. I don't deserve to be in her presence. I am just a filthy low-ranking inter-dimensional.

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