Chapter 18

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Rachael's PoV
i began to fake a smile as i was met with my group of friends. "Angela you look so beautiful" i said bringing her into a hug. "he what about me" Jessica fake whined. "you look beautiful to. i see you chose the dress i recommend" i said hugging her. "so where is Bella" i asked. "i think creepy Cullen kidnapped her outside" mike said.  "creep cullen" i questioned. "not my most creative nickname but still effective" he laughed. i couldn't help but smirk a little. "so how come your not here with Jasper" Jessica blurted out. causing Angola to nudge her. "what we was all thinking it" jessica said in defence. "jess i've told you me and Jasper are just friends in fact i don't think we are even that. i haven't talked to him in days" i shrugged. "oh then i guess it a good thing he's here tonight" Jessica smirked. "oh" is the only thing i could blurt out. "you should go look for him" Jessica stated. i began to try a disagree before Jessica squealed out. "quick he over there by the steps with Alice." i quickly looked over and jasper in his charming gray suit. he was smiling and talking to Alice. he actually looked like he was having fun how could i go over there.all i seem to do is bring him pain. "i think it's best a just stay put" i said quietly. "well he's already making his way here" Angela said smiling. "hey" i turned around a little to quickly to Jasper. "hello" he said a little stunned at my abruptness. "can i talk to you" he asked. i just nodded in response. i didn't know if he did want to talk to me again. after everything. "are you going to be ok with him" mike asked. "yes" i said smiling at him.
i walking away with jasper. "so" he whispered grabbing my had twirling me. "i don't remember you asking me to dance" i joked. "i know i thought it would be a lighter mood then last time we spoke" he said holding me close and swaying. "about that i'm sorry for upsetting you like that" i apologised. "you shouldn't apologise for having faith in someone even if it is pointless" he softly said with a light smile. i could help but sense all the sadness underneath. i then began to pull away "Jasper i" i began before he pulled be back in. "please just dance with me i fed extra just so i could do this with you" he said starting into my soul. i don't know why but i felt uncomfortable not because he was holding me close because something was different. Something between Jasper and i felt stomach was twisting and i no more of his darkness it like i was felt like i was losing control of myself.
"is there something wrong" he asked concerned. "nothing" i lied. "you can'tell me" he said. "it's just drama with my dad" i deflected. "you can tell me" He replied. "after Phoenix he doesn't want me practicing magic anymore. he basically wants me to forget who i am." i said slightly annoyed. "Rachael there is more to you then being a witch" Jasper said. "that's not true.i'm a stereotypical teenage girl nothing special. be honest would you of ever spoken two words to me if i wasn't a witch." i asked. "well would you of talked to me or just seen me as the school freak like everyone else" he replied.there was a moment where he looked deeper into my eyes. "i'm glad my magic brought me to you." i whispered. "if i hadn't of met you i'd be more lonely then i ever was. sure i would of had friends but being a new witch was freaking me out and obsessing over another supernatural creature definitely made me feel less alone.even if i was scared of you at first."i joked. i noticed he began to take in my face before speaking. "you helped me with my loneliness to.i was scared about being alone without Alice and then you walked in and made me feel like i was normal for once"
"even when i was yelling at you" i joked causing him to smile "even then i couldn't get enough of you." butterfly began to swarm in my stomach. i just gazed into Jaspers eyes. they where a warm comforting honey smell. I then noticed a change in Jaspers face a longing. his face got closer to mine. it felt perfect. the coldness of his lips almost brushing on mine.
"Jasper" i began pulling away. Jaspers face instantly dropped in sadness. "i'm sorry i- i don't know what i was thinking." he apologised. i didn't know how to reply i just stood there. "i need to use the restroom" i blurted walking away calmly.

i was in the girls bathroom trying to calm down . but my head was spinning.i wish i could offer Jasper more but how could i. how could i be good for him my blood alone brings him so much discomfort,i make to many mistakes and always yelling at him making him feel like a monster. i can't begin to think of all the hurtful things i have said to him. but most of all i don't think he feels the same.Alice is his one true love how could i ever replace that. i don't want to get hurt. but i don't want to lose him.i then starred at myself and notice how perfect i look. how each one of my perfect curls lay on top of my head to my shoulders. how perfectly sharp my eyeliner was. how perfect my moles was placed below my brow. and most of all how perfect i look in this dress.
the only thing i was good at was looking perfect it was the perfect lie to make everything seem perfect when it wasn't.
i quickly straightened my back and calmed my face before strutting out the Jasper.
he look at me hurt and apologetic. "Rachael i'm so sorry i don't know why i tried to do that" he apologised. i then put of a fake smile before speaking "i Think it's just prom kinda has that effect. i know it was a mistake you love Alice." Jasper took a minute to respond i could tell he didn't know what to say.
"i think your right" he said threw the pain. "friends" i offered wishing i could offer him more. he then took a deep breath "friends" he said meaning it.
"i'm going to go and get you some punch" he said walking away. i could tell he needed a minute. this was the best thing.we are both to broken to be anything more then friends. he'll get over me. I then began to feel a familiar feeling of darkness and death. I looked around for Jasper so i could tell him but he wasn't by the punch table. i then saw mike and ran up to him. "hey have you seen Jasper" i asked. "yeas he just stormed out he did not look happy." mike said adding salt the the womb. i didn't know what to do i couldn't see any other cullen. "thanks" i said walking away. i don't know why i was being stupid but i began to follow the feeling.
it grew stronger and stronger the closer i got. i saw small flashes or blood and lead me to the upstairs to a empty room"i was wondering how long it would take for you to sense me" a woman's voice spoke. it was Victoria. "what are you doing here" i winced.
"i needed a little something to cheer me up from my grief" she said bitterly. "your here to kill Edward" i asked worried.
"silly little girl i'm not going to kill anyone in a crowded place that would be rude." she sassed. "wow i didn't think someone like you would be so courteous. then what are you doing here" i snarled. "oh i wanted to see your friend happy before taking it all away like she did i" she said bitterly. "your not going to we are all protected her" i said. "yes see that's the one think that has peeked my interest. why dose the equinox circle cares about vampires i thought you hated us" she asked. i was confused by the question. "the what.?" i asked. she they looked at me vexed and then giggled. "your a witch without a coven?well that's not good. and i could of sworn you was a Stonehenge witch no matter" she laughed out. "wait" i began. "why i was only worried because i thought you was a threat but a witch on her own never lives long.bey now give Bella my love" she said blowing a kiss before walking off. i then stood there not being able to move. what was the equinox circle. and was it true was being alone going to get me killed.

i made my own way home i didn't want to stay at the prom not with everything messed up. i then saw my dad on the sofa watching sports. "your early" he joked. i sat next to him in silence. "look about earlier" he began. "you where right" i whispered out. "what" he questioned. "you where right about everything if i keep practicing i'm going to get myself killed and if don't stay away from the Supernatural i'll probably get us both killed" i said crying. "did something happen" he asked sitting up confused. i shook my head in a lie. "no i'm just done fighting. i just want things go back to how they used to when things where boring" i said meaning it. "we can do that" he said before continuing. "i need to apologise to i've been neglecting you and ignoring you when your obviously in pain i'm sorry" he said. "it's fine just please don't leave me alone i'm sick of being alone" i cried out he then pulled me into a tight hug. "i won't i promise" he whispered.

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