Chapter 2

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Emily was one of the top managers of the "Pampers for Teens" project, and liked to spend her days in the front line to see first person how things were going. Sipping from her coffee mug, she watched the surveillance video system of the park and listened to the radio calls of the patrollers. An interactive map of the park showed the position of all kids wearing "standard protection" (blue points for guys, pink for gals, with a flashing yellow circle around when they happened to leak into the Easy Ups and a fixed yellow mark in case of major accidents). Cameras were set so to follow the targets. Personnel at kiosks and Nurses stations received via radio constant update on how to deal with "yellow bracelets" and their parents. In fact, Emily had been wearing some protection herself, in order to spend as much time as possible at the surveillance system. 

Today was a good day.

Ian, a timid 14 year old boy, with blonde curly hair and deep blue eyes, was losing his battle to stay dry in a cabin of the panoramic wheel, his tiny bladder squeezed by spasms thanks to the special soda he had drunk just half an hour before. His mother apparently was reacting as expected, telling him that it wasn't his fault and that she would not be mad at him if he could not hold it until the end of the experiment. It's the overprotective kind of mother,  unable to tolerate her son's distress.

"Stop the panoramic wheel and send through loudspeakers the announce that it will take 5 minutes to solve a technical issue. Then, play the relaxing music with the ocean waves and the cries of dolphin,." commanded Emily.

"Nooo!" wept feebly the little blonde angel trapped in the cabin. He was now jumping up and down in the limited space allowed by the safety bar pressed on his knees, pale, with his hands tightly glued to the padded crotch.

Mom could not resist any longer. She gently hugged her son. "It's ok, just let it go, there's no point in trying to hold, once down we can change you out of these Pampers." Mom then took all the ten little fingers of her son in her right hand and, with her left hand, reached the top of the purple Easy Up and gently applied pressure. "It's ok, you're protected. Just think you're sitting on the potty and let it go."

"But mum... big boys don't wet their pants" wept, unsure, the little blonde angel. In the control room, the yellow light began to pulsate around the pink dot.

"Buddy, really, it's just me and you here. You have nothing to be ashamed of," whispered reassuringly mom while tightening a bit the hug and insisting with the coaxing belly massage/tickle.

"Please... stop... don't..." cackled uselessly the boy, ashamed but also relieved by the warmth that began to grow between his legs with a light buzzing sound.

"Priceless, great job everybody!" commented Emily when finally the yellow light became permanent. "Now, give back power to the wheel and make sure those two lovely ladies receive a bonus for a free lunch. I want the little one back in diapers by tonight and his mother shall receive a free assorted sample package."

Satisfied with herself, Emily turned her attention to the general situation. She immediately noticed the two teenagers who had just received their first Easy Up and bonuses for free soda. "Unfortunately the younger brother, name is Mike, managed to get through unpadded, but that can be fixed soon. No parents around, but an adult supervisor who could not come. Probably ill. The older boy is clearly lazy in changing underwear, but will likely be hard to bend. On the other hand, the girl has an overactive bladder. She was wearing a slightly damp Tena Lady Mini and had several spares in her purse."

"They stay in an hotel inside the park, so it's essential to get them yellow within lunchtime and then use the afternoon to get them ready for an upgrade in their accommodation for the night. The immediate problem is that she will attract too much attention, dressed like that. It's better to send someone to help them on the road to nappies and out of public attention."

Emily laughed, despite the warmth growing around her crotch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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