Timeless Trilogy, Book One, Fate

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     The edge of the blade felt like ice against her skin. One breath too deep, one movement—ever so slight—would give the knife a taste of her blood. It’s a part of the nightmare, she thought, even as she felt the breath of her attacker lightly touch her face.

     The nightmares that had been plaguing her for weeks warned of this moment. Images, too terrifying to be real, flashed quickly across her mind’s eye in an instant replay of her recent night terrors. Running down a long, empty hallway, filled with doorways on either side, chased by some unknown monster that knew her deepest fears. Running towards a movie, scrolling incessantly with images of those she loved most trapped in a fiery hell. Sepia-toned faces, twisted in pain, were a stark contrast to the blue, red and yellow of the flames engulfing them. The echoes of their screams filled the dark, never-ending hallway. She couldn’t look away and she couldn’t stop running; her only escape was straight ahead, towards the horror show. 

     So far, the nightmares ended with her sitting straight up in bed, breathing hard in a cold sweat. He hadn’t caught her yet.

     The all too real feeling of cold steel pressed against her neck gave the nightmare an alternate ending. Kris tried to control her breathing so her attacker would think she slept. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a way to reach the loaded SIG waiting beneath the extra pillow beside her. She didn’t always keep a gun so handy, but recent events, including the dreams, made it a necessity.

    “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” The familiar voice spoke the words softly in her ear.

Chapter One 

 “Kris, get a move on, we’re gonna be late.” The call of Roni’s warningfaded as she clattered down the stairs.

     Kris groaned, threw off the covers and rolled out of bed. “Why am I so groggy? I feel like I’ve run a marathon.” The sleepy tabby, accustomed to dialogue but not yet in the mood, ignored the mumblings and stretched across the patch of sunlight at the foot of the bed.

     “I know, Peg, it’s too early for conversation.” Pegasus yawned, flipped on his back and waited for his belly rub. Kris couldn’t help but give in.

     The crash from the kitchen made them both jump, not an easy thing for Peg.

     “I’m okay, but you need a new coffee pot.” Roni yelled from the foot of the stairs. “Where’s the broom?”

     With a sigh, Kris grabbed a robe and headed for the kitchen. Not a great start to such an important day.

     “You didn’t have to come down here. Why aren’t you dressed yet? The shoot starts at seven, and now we have to stop for coffee on the way.” Roni was gingerly picking up the largest pieces of glass from the floor. “Sorry about the pot. I’m so jittery this morning.”

     Kris surveyed the damage as she went for the broom. “Don’t worry about it—the pot or the shoot. You know I’ll make you look good. Not that you need my help. Now, move out of the way before you slice those million dollar hands.” An involuntary chill ran down Kris’s spine at the word ‘slice’ but she ignored it.

     “They’re not million dollar hands yet. What if I can’t work on camera? Who wants to watch someone crush and mix herbs, anyway? Why am I doing this?” Roni stood and threw the glass away.

     Kris paused and shot an exasperated look at her friend. Veronica Myers was possibly one of the most beautiful women Kris had ever met. Naturally thick blond waves framed the face of an angel before cascading over a petite, perfectly proportioned siren’s body. Violet blue eyes, tilted up at the corners rimmed with thick, dark lashes looked back at her with an expression of abject confusion. She would never understand how Roni was blind to her own charms.

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